She complied with the regulations.

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This is a rookie move that you should at least use for the midterms.

As a science teacher, I would have to allow it. You gotta specify your units, and that goes for everybody.

Just waiting for someone to print the same thing at a high dpi on a 3×5 inch card and show up with a microscope next.

I had a professor who told us that he used to allow “an A4 cheatsheet”. Apparently, one day a guy shows up with a shoebox with notes written all over it, inside and outside. Pulls out a sheet of paper, shows everyone that the box has the height and width of an A4 paper, and claims that the required depth was not specified. Since then, the instructions clearly state “one sheet of A4 format paper”.

Writing the card is studying. The goal, teach the material. Goal accomplished.

Absolutely allowed, the score will not be effected, since they still need to pile through all that to get the answers.

Flashback of spinal tap

“3×5 what? Meters? Watermelons? Motorboats?”

– every teacher ever

Honestly, I’d give bonus points.

The true genius lies in obeying the rules while completely dismantling their intent.

We were allowed 1 8.5×11 sheets of paper for calculus in college. All semester, any problem he particularly emphasized in class I would transcribe the problem and solution work onto my cheat sheet using a 0.3 mm rapidiograph pen and drafting lettering (I had been a draftsman prior to college)

Final exam came around and every single question was on my sheet, just with slightly different numbers.

I got an A

This is what happens when you’re really passionate about accounting.

This reminds me of those exams where you were allowed to bring the textbook. (Showing my age in mentioning textbooks, of course.) Unless you had the biggest dick of all times as a teacher, bringing the book or all the notes in the world was pointless. You’d waste time looking for the answer.

Bringing a cue card works best when there are a few details (like dates) that trip you up. It’s not going to do the work for you.

But, hey, that student probably did all the review she needed to do to pass that exam in making up that massive cue card.

Props to the teacher for not throwing a fit


We were allowed a 4”x6” card for an AP English class. Teacher assumed we would create an outline or bullet points and then write the essay (which we more or less knew ahead of time what it would be) during the exam. Just printed it in size 1 font right on the card and transcribed it for the exam. This was mid 90s and the teacher had no idea you could print that small. She thought it was hilarious and I got an A- in the class.

Definitely had a professor where someone pulled this before. He specified 3×5 inches, fully handwritten and you have to be able to read it without any assistance.

Covered all the bases at that point I’m pretty sure. I’d like to see anyone come up with a workaround for that.

You must read and take advantage of the fine print—or lack thereof.

When I was at university, we were allowed 1 sheet for the exam. Someone printed the whole powerpoint the teacher showed the whole semester on his at the smallest font. All answers were there

I went to this school when this happened! and yes, afterward – every single professor specified inches lol

Dude might as well copy and paste the test at this point! 😅😎🫡

My teacher told us you can use a 3×5 inch card, but you can write on all 6 sides

Let the rest of the class vote as to whether this is allowed or not, watch chaos unfold.

I wonder if student had a backup 3×5” card just in case the giant one wasn’t excepted

I get teaching understanding, but the real world relies on notes and references, not memorization.

Wild man

When I was in high school, a kid in my class wrote a cheatsheet in red ink, and then wrote more over it in blue ink. He brought in a pair of old 3D glasses (the red and blue ones) so that way he could closed each eye to read the appropriate colour.

Read somewhere that a student essentially doubled the cheat sheet by using red and blue colored pens. The student would then wear either red or blue tinted glasses depending on what s/he needed.

Pretty smart

I had a professor not specify and I put all my notes on a normal piece of printer paper front and back printed in small print with graphs, formulas, and everything I needed. For the final they were much more specific. I was under the impression they did it on purpose though. A normal note card with that exam would have made it unpassable without an eidetic memory.

Nah, use 3×5 meters it’s nearly ninninefold the size in foot.

That was a good gamble on the student’s part

If they go through the work of filling a 3×5 with notes then they deserve it

Hey thats where i got my Associates degree from! Didnt expect to see AACC on reddit

I mean, technically that’s a 3×5 poster board. If the details say notecard, then she’s wrong

The fact that they took such an effort to prepare for a test makes me believe that they’re a good student anyway and that they know the material.

It’s a dude, if that matters

3×5 what? 3×5 elephants? bananas? Furlongs? Feet?

I went to AACC. Great community college. A recent report from []( ranked them as #1 in the State and #3 in the nation.

Is this just old or are people still using hashtags on stuff?

AACC = Any Asshole Can Come

How many bananas is that?

Pffft. I could have fit all that onto a 3″x5″ card

Good for you for honoring your word.

Ya’ll mofos getting angstroms next time.

I remember 3×5 allowed. Man I didn’t realize I could write so small, and so neat.

Is there r/madlads but for gals?

Technically correct, the best kind of correct.

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