She cooked her I’m afraid.

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TBF, I doubt Tammy could either.

Also why the hell would you need to know the specifics of how a gun works to have an opinion on them.

They realize the left has gun owners too right? We just don’t make it our entire personality and flaunt it

Ooooff… get out the aloe

Why do you need to be an expert on guns to know that guns cause mass killings. Why is that even a point she’s making.

“All these planes keep falling out of the sky, but since you’re not an expert on planes you shouldn’t be able to point out that this is a bad thing.”

The old “you don’t know enough about how guns work argument”. You needn’t know, either, Toomy (wait, sorry, Tommy) (oh shoot did it again, ok, Tammy) …shit I don’t know enough about her name either.

Begs the question, why is she sleeping with all the men trying to regulate her uterus?

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She didn’t just cook her; she served a full-course meal with dessert on the side. Absolute perfection!

You say murder is bad but you can’t tell me where my murder weapon was manufactured? Your honor, I rest my case

Why is this racist twat still a thing?


I know how guns internals work but that has nothing to do with my opinion on regulation I find it insane that people allow people such unregulated access to firearms.

The public education system would like a word.

The fuck does that have to do with anything.

I don’t know shit about Anthrax, but i don’t think we should allow everyone access to it.


Tomi is such a waste of air. Just like many republicans. Her opinion means nothing and will never mean anything to anyone.

You don’t need to be a weapons expert to know you don’t want to be shot to death or have your children shot to death. That’s fucking absurd.


The irony is shooting itself in the foot

> Oh, so you want to regulate guns? *Then name every gun.*

That’s the vibe.

That comment was savage holy shit
Genuinely one of the best comebacks ice seen on this sub lmao


She left her charred on both sides

Serious question for girls. As a man i have never once struggled to find a clitoris, they are in the same place on every girl. Just like dicks are on men.
Is it a real thing that there are guys who cant find it or is it just a running joke?
I heard it as a kid and assumed when i was old enough to be with girls it would be a difficult thing to find. Nope, right there, every time

Yes, and both of these things are bad…
I don’t think she made the point she thinks she made…

Luigi mangione was an incel too

Also … why do I need to know about your guns to take them?

So there’s one guy out there….

The legend continues

equating finding the clit to abortion, and then all that to guns is peak lol

Oof! From the top rope!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Not to take away from the excellent homicide but why are you letting these dirtbags try, Candice?

it’s not about sex you dimwit

I know when someone deranged has one full of big hole makers and points it at a group of children and makes it go, it puts big holes in those children.

Children stop working when you put big holes in them.

And I think that’s a bad thing.

?? Those are completely separate organs with different functions. Does SHE know anything about female anatomy?

Is her clitoris in her uterus? That’s weird


How many men that are anti-abortion are you fucking that you have enough of a sample size to say this, Candice?

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