she didn’t say in what order

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Is calling someone fat a rare insult?

No way shes fat thats a normal ass woman

How is she even fat? Girl is pretty and hot af…?

She’s hot.

Wild part is she not even fat

Jesus christ porn has ruined the men of our generation. In what world is she fat.

She’s awesome. That guys most likely an incel or something 🤣

She’s not even fat. She has big curves. This is boring AF bait, and not even a good insult.

Body shaming is lame… Anyways, me like LIKE. She’s fine af.

Dream bod

Thats not fat, That girl thicc

Anyone got the link to the original tweet?

Ok real question is what’s her @ ??!

She’s not fat at all though.

Guys is it gay to like women

She might be chubby but she don’t even look that bad yet

Probably will in time tho

This leans more toward racism than fat shaming , only virgins or racists would call this fine ahh “fat”

thats just mean.

She Thicc



Nah she fiiiiine

All you would get played so fast

tf? she’s not fat at all

She ain’t fat, she’s just right

To me she’s like the definition of the thick

She’s gorgeous

She walked into that one

she aint even remotely fat tho 😭

no, but seriously, you get fucked hard

My other account is requesting a name.

[Ooo, would we call her chubby?]comment image)

It’s get to a point where you guys are just gay

Am I fat too?

I’ve seen a better crop during a famine….

I think most people here are americans and when they say fat they mean gorlock the destroyer. As a european I would say she is fairly fat. When americans say fat they mean 3 fat europeans in my experience.


I mean, she’s aight ig.

Shes not obese but she is fat. Definitely not skinny.

he understood the assignment lol!

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