She expose him and he still tries to Play It Cool

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Bro threw the craziest of hail marys

Dude lives like he’s in an episode of reality TV, and you gotta admire the confidence.

Ain’t no way he just did that LMAO

I suppose at that point, he knew he was caught, so he just thought, “Screw it I’m probably dumped anyway, so may as well go big or go home”

so bold yet so wrong at the same time


this is some r/madlads shit 😂

I don’t think cheating is ok, but there is something admirable about this guy’s “idgaf” energy.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is how you get a threesome.

Talking to a guy and found out he had a girlfriend?

And? Is that supposed to be cheating or something? Talking to her? Huh?

How could he not. He’s dating two women who, on finding out that he’s a cheater, decided to meet up and post a group pic instead of a confrontation/break up. Obviously everyone in this potential throuple likes drama.

Went for the full court airball

Big Jake energy



He didn’t try to play it cool, he def did. Chess not checkers


Yeah that would probably work on me


Man I assume “talked to” ment a lot more than just chatting with him, but man I didn’t think cheating was in the mix at all the first read around

Okay, I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500, Alex.

Respect the game 

His gf probably respected him more after that one

She talked to a guy and that’s somehow cheating now. Mmmkay.

>I was talking to this guy and found out he had a gf

So talking = cheating

are we all going to pretend poly relationships dont exist? many girls would rather be in a 7 way relatipnship with a 7 foot tall guy who each gives him one day a week than a one way monogamous with some schlub

Exposed him for talking to a girl and telling her he had a GF?

This means nothing.

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