She has a Valid Answer💀

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Fair enough, have a great day ma’am.

And what is stopping talibán dressing like a goth femboy?

Men, what’s stopping you from dressing like this too?

Money, clothes in this style are expensive if you want to get an acceptable quality

mmhmm yes. quite funny. can I get the sauce for all of these ladies? thank you.

Creepy men, creepy men stop me from wearing stuff like this.

Harassment from men?

Because we aren’t 12 year old emo scene kids anymore?? 🥴

Being trans in Afghanistan must be best place ever to be trans. Noone gonna see what’s in that Burqa.

(Sorry for tasteless joke)


Besides GBV and grape

The ones who want to dress like that do, they ones who don’t dress like that just don’t fucking want to typically and you can’t force them to dress in any sort of way because you’re a fuckibg gooner in your mom’s basement

The acid

Well I’m here before the comment section locks….cheer

Oh man, I would have liked to see more girls like her, she is sexy

That’s a man’s clothing

Ok, now the Taliban has gone too far.

What did y’all expect? It’s taliban not talipermit

About 60 pounds

My answer: depression and being a fat fuck

No it’s a Towelie ban!


Land of peace

Also not being a 19 year old probably


Understandable have a nice day

Plot twist, that’s a femboy

So. She is saying she wants to dress that way.. Nice.

Also, age, self respect and common sense lol!

Mom says it’s my turn to repost this.

Damn, I was gonna say Taco Bell but she has a legitimate reason.

Correct answer is men.

based but also sad

I’m 34 and not as thin as I used to be!

hahaa wow this meme was hilarious when i first saw it in 2010.


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