She was ahead of her time

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Beautiful human being.

gah i miss her๐Ÿ˜‚

She really wrote that last response? She was cool either way but still I hope it is real.

That reminds me of a time back in St. Olaf…..

“Ahead of their time”

It’s like fusion energy – it’s **always** 20 years in the future… I try to say “she wasn’t an asshole like most”, but that seems to trigger people. It’s always in the past or in the future -no one thinks that right now and right here, people are being horrible to each other for no good reason outside their little worlds.

Betty White is the hero we really need right now.

I loved her. Rip queen ๐Ÿ’–โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•

What an amazing human she was.

She was the most golden of them all.

โ€œTheyโ€™re not like usโ€ and they donโ€™t like us. The sooner we assimilate that we could prepare our selves for the near future.

A legend not just in comedy, but in life.

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With the way things are going she’ll be ahead of ours too.

I read this as “lap dancer” initially, which made this way more wild. Yet my brain wasn’t super surprised about it coming from Betty.

Sliced bread is the best things since Betty White

She lived at the right time. Glad she’s not around to see this. Kind of jealous.

worlds shite without her

And don’t forget our other favorite golden girl Bea Arthur advocating for LGBTQ+ rights since the 1960s

The Golden Girls were amazing ladies and we miss them all

god rest her soul ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿซก๐Ÿ˜ญ

I wonder why Amercans hate Nazis, to be honest they were not much better neither were the British

This is like the eighth time I’ve seen this on reddit this month ๐Ÿ˜’

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