She’s a billionaire and this is how she spends her life.

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They used to say people weren’t LEFT HANDED! The only reason my 88yo grandma got to be a lefty was bc she was a twin and they thought that’s what messed her up. 

They said the same thing about gay kids.

Hell, they said the same thing about left handed kids.

Reminds me of Vernon Dursley thinking that they could beat Harry into no longer being a wizard.

JK Rowling: Trans people don’t exist, they’rer not real and stop trying to make them into a thing.

Also JK Rowling: These Cis women of color are absolutely Trans, trust me.

I looked up her twitter yesterday. I kinda wanted to know if she really was this sad of a person to rant on about one thing. Usually the media blows it up. But ueah she really is en 1 dimensional character in her own world.

Just for fun, lookup Robert Galbraith Heath, and see what crazy shenanigans he got up to, ESPECIALLY with Gay Conversion.

I’ll never understand why so many people think they’re qualified to discuss and have strong opinions about medical conditions.

Want to have an opinion on the social structures around certain medical conditions? Cool, have at it.

But to flat out deny the existence of a medical condition? Have some fucking humility and understand you’re not qualified to make that claim. If there’s some uncertainty around it let the medical community figure it out.

No one is forcing trans or lgbtq of any kind on kids. They are letting them openly express themselves more now, rather than beating undesired traits out of them. LGBTQ people have always existed, but they just previous been beaten into a trauma bound mold that society wanted them in….and they still continued to exist. Somehow thats an affront to these peoples very existence…

Why would anyone choose to be trans? I’m pretty sure virtually everyone would rather be born with anatomy that alligns with what so many in society perceives as correct for their gender. Trans people and especially female trans people face horrid persecution. Who would want that?

They’ve said this about gay people, gay marriage, immigrants, desegregation, interracial marriage, etc. Everything is “a danger to our children” when you don’t have an actual argument.

In the 1950s there were nearly no left-handed kids.
Now there are more people who write left-handed. It’s almost, as if when people are not demonized, bullied by society and pressed into a shape, they can decide on their own 🤷‍♀️

Left handed people used to be considered sinister. They were forced to use their “correct” hand, because “normal” people are right handed.

So much money they get bored. Another reason to tax the rich.

It’s very clearly some sort of mental illness at this point. She is so hyper focused on it.

I am so disappointed. Her uneducated, bigotry and continuous doubling down on this topic, has sucked the wonder and joy out of Harry Potter for me and my kids.

Just because you don’t understand something, doesn’t make it any less real.

I used to have a born again Christian boss who used to say exactly that. That there really is no such thing as homosexuality. That gay people are just people looking for attention.

Disgusting hot take coming

remember that manifesto where she momentarily suggests she would probably be susceptible to what she now calls this ideology, if she had been born a generation later

I sometimes wonder if it’s just jealousy, I know that’s fucked up but I can’t help wonder if Harry and that detective are stand-ins for her male persona

Most trans people i know knew when they were ten and under. A lot of those faced abuse for it.

What a sad woman. May the mold consume her.

I remember being 2, wandering into my mom’s closet and putting on some of her heels. She found me and told me boys don’t wear heels. I spent most of my childhood wanting to play with girls toys and to grow up to be a mom like her. I spent my teenage years fantasizing and about some magical event that would turn me into a girl. My 20s were full of depression and confusion until someone asked me if I was trans and I spent 5 years questioning either if I was or if I had the stomach to be trans. I didn’t think I’d live to be 30. I’m 36, I’ve been on HRT for over 7 years and I was openly trans for 8.

I have been trans my entire ass life and Joke Rowling either knows nothing of which she speaks or is so deep in the closet she’s in fucking Narnia telling herself wanting to be a boy when she was a kid like she told everyone in that unhinged rant from years ago.

I hate her so much. Can’t she just keep her opinions to herself?

My mom who is super religious and was devastated when I was outed as gay at 19 asked me when I was 6 years old if I wish I had been born a boy. Because I did wish that. And I acted like that from as early as I can remember. I didn’t know anything about trans people. I was just a kid who felt like I didn’t fit into the societal norms expected of women and girls. I told her no because I knew she wouldn’t like my answer if I was truthful. And when I hit puberty I was horrified when my boobs started growing. I still didn’t know anything about trans people, my body just felt wrong.

So fuck you JK Rowling, you miserable, ignorant POS. Be a good billionaire and fuck off into the shadows before we eat you.

She is so vile.

Did a trans person steal JK’s spouse from her? Marry her mom or dad then spring them being trans on the family? Why does she despise them SO much?

“No one is born in the wrong body”
– author of a book series where children are born in the wrong circumstances all the time and are corrected through magic, training and discipline

She could have kept her mouth shut and be remembered as a great author. Instead she began this imbecile crusade and will go down in history as a cupid stunt.

You know, I used to respect her so much for achieving what she did with the HP books. But now, I find her absolutely disgusting and wished she would take her toxic venom gob and just go away. I actually can’t read or watch HP now because of her. She’s ruined the whole thing for me.

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