Shoot like a girl.

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Im pretty sure thatโ€™s only a .22 that they use. Not shattering anything

Iโ€™ve fired a .45 like that. Not very accurate but my wrist definitely didnโ€™t shatter.

Only people who don’t shoot claim that recoil will “shatter your wrist”.

It’s always hilarious when this comes up. There are videos of people one handing 50 cals, shotguns, etc, online. Yet there will usually end up a few gun “experts” discussing all the ways she could harm herself

He watched 0 minutes and 0 seconds of the Olympics and thought they were shooting 44 magnum

The only thing it shatters is the ego of that guy

She trains her wrist on men like men train their own wrists.

Not only did she win gold but also a bronze metal in the same Olympic games. I remember hearing stories about the harsh conditions she would train sense she didn’t have access to a proper training facility. Stuff like having to go back and forth from a car to heat her self up to prevent the pistol from sticking on her hand. What i want to say is, she seems to know what she is doing.

Reminds me of the time a guy tried to tell Margaret Atwood what The Handmaid’s Tale was about…

Thatโ€™s all of Reddit and the internet tbh.

I could see this being an issue if the gun was bigger than something like .357 mag. I mean .454 casull or 500 mag are actually easier to fire one handed with your arm outstretched. The recoil carries your whole arm up rather than your wrists.

The irony of him trying to explain something he himself doesn’t understand

Anyone who claims that their wrist would shatter from firing a gun has never handled a gun.

It’s not a bloody .500 mag, Christ.

It’s a .22 rimfire

Short of holding in a way where your body would interfere with mechanical function it can’t hurt you from that end

My frail ass grandmother shot my 22 revolver on more than one occasion, and her arthritic joints never acted up. Well, not because of the gun, at least. I’ve seen this screenshot multiple times, but damn, every time I come back to the conclusion that this dude not only has never fired a gun, but has never met a woman he wasn’t related to.

A gun with no recoil will shatter a wrist

7/10 bait

Question : how different ate the scores between men and women’s shooting?

Ya she’ll be fine. If 12 year old me could handle Grandpa’s pissing hot .44 mag reloads then a professional should be able to handle a 22.

I couldn’t imagine making myself into the entire internet’s personal toilet like that. Dude really thought he was gonna cook with that.

That’s what? A .22? Not breaking any wrists any time soon.

Nevermind that he doesn’t know what’s going on in the picture- “shattering your wrist” makes no sense lol

Itโ€™s a 22! She is fine. Nothing will break

Only reason second place got silver was because his government said donโ€™t stand out

Pistols typically recoil upward in my experience, they’ll fly out of your hand if you’re not holding it t9ght enough but it ain’t gonna shatter anything

Im pretty sure shes using a .22 only way your shattering your wrist is if you have a severe calcium deficit

Yeah, like a .22 short is gonna shatter anything. Maybe some limp-wristed old Trumpster.

why would they use a powerful handgun for aiming competitions lmao

Not my joke but one i loved when this was making the rounds: “Gold medal Special Olympian complains about Gold medal real Olympian’s technique.”

This has me cryingggg

These are competition pistols. They’re neat to be comfortable and have incredibly smooth triggers. Recoil isn’t an issue with a .22, especially not one that’s that size and costs thousands.

What a dedicated athlete, all those broken wrists on the way to the gold medal…

Iโ€™m pretty sure guns would fly out of your hand before your wrist would break

I’ve seen the Olympics.

Those things literally have no recoil.

I mean if you know the sport so well tell me the make and model of the gun

back in the day the Olympic Shooting Contest had you Use your Countries Standard Service Weapon for Rifle and Pistol and I think that would be cool to go back to.

What part of the posture is he criticising? What is she supposed to improve? Both hands on the gun handle or just a different angle or height?

Sorry, never had the chance to fire a gun, but worked handling real guns, prop guns and fake bullets as an actor for years.

Olympic shooting isn’t a sport xD

You could shoot a .22 with your thumb and index finger. These people are outing themselves as being ignorant and sheltered in regards to how guns work.

Don’t those guns have little to zero recoil?

Yeah sheโ€™s an athlete cause she holds a pistol

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