Shotgun appreciation post

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Not if you’re on Caspian Border

What about long distance

I would like to agree with you, but I can think of several memories from different games where the shotgun is useless or close to it, unfortunately I can’t remember which ones right now.

Nah, the starter pistol is funnier.

Energy weapons that vibrate are the most satisfying.

Resident Evil 4 on VR has some satisfying hand guns. Feel awesome to reload.

Shotguns in games are absolute beasts
Shotguns IRL are still scary, but I feel like a simple handgun is more accurate and more effective at long ranges.

Scythe has entered the chat

its called shotgrid now , I mean Flow production tracker.

Come again for big fudge?


Yeah but have you ever used that 3-foot long dildo in the San Andreas police station bathroom to smack hookers?

Counter point: TF2 hunstman

+Projectile Boost

Can’t really change your mind if I think the same way.

As someone that plays Crucible, no, shotguns can be shitty, spammy and then we get stuck in gameplay loops of shotgun apes.

The shotgun riot shield combo is truly rage inducing especially with flashbangs as well

Ye but I would rather use ak47 or maverick

*Halo 2 shotgun enters chat*

They nerfed it so hard it was so sad to use on legendary. Covenant carbine came in so clutch most of the game.

Even if they’re not the best on specs, they’re always the most satisfying, even way back in the old Doom dark ages.

Extra points if it’s a meaty as fuck trench gun

Least amount of skill required. Best bang for your buck

As a Pizza Tower player, I must agree

Only the French in the corner appreciate the shotgun

Yes but what about : STICK

Maybe if you’re a no-skilled simpleton

I prefere scar

Until they get nerfed

I’m gonna Rip You A New One for stating that.

No notes, great opinion.

Submachine gun. Better accuracy, useful on close or long range and easier to reload.

MG42 joins the chat.

Loud, short spike of damage and forcing you to get closer to your enemy. That’s really all the excitement you need.

Rage bait. Too vague to be true especially for the whole gaming industry

Ok calm down Curt Cobain

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