Shots fired from both directions!

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It is very important to understand that this only applies to their side. Anyone else who tries to save their country from Trump and the MAGAs will be dealt with as harshly as they can get away with.

MAGAts will be calling for these two to be locked up.

If this was Joe Biden or Barack Obama, they’d be ripping the White House apart by now!!!!

So hes guilty

I’ve decided that no longer paying my student loans will save the country. The government and I are cool now, right?

“When the President does it, it’s *not* illegal.”

Pretty sure the United States of America as we knew it is officially gone

He’s doing anything but saving the country, so he has indeed violated laws

He sounds just like Hitler before he purged the German government in the 1930s! History repeats

That’s a quote by Napoleon. Remember how that went?

Zero shot anyone should be ok with the sitting president saying that.

Somehow I can feel the conservative subreddit defending this like good little peasants.

He’s a convicted felon. He has already violated the law at least 34 times!

Should put that second statement to the test

Where does he get this crap?

Logically this is equivalent to saying “He who violates some laws is not saving his country”

I do hope that person shows up soon.

The amount of impulse control his secret service agents must have is kind of impressive.

What Peter said may be foreshadowing.

Let’s face it, Trump is a threat to both world security and the United States.

The statements are internally consistent.

I like Peter. Peter gets it.

All the hallmarks of the end of the Roman republic.

Double the cleverness!

Save from WHAT? Progress? Truly they are clear cutting this nation

Im seeing a pre pardon for all revolutionaries

r/ confidentlyincorrect

Imagine being so obtuse that you could take a steaming shit in the middle of the Sistine Chapel or on top of a pyramid of Giza and actually be proud of yourself for “making it better”.

My take away is Peter is lonely and enjoys the company of FBI agents.

Agreed. But I wonder how long this thread will last. Yesterday a similar thread disappeared.

ok.. so tell the truth

Trump should pardon himself… NOW

This is what I am thinking too. If you are ignoring the law, and you have carte blanche immunity. I’d be staying 500 ft from JD at all times.

He seems to be trying to say something the founding fathers might like, but he still has it wrong. From what I know of them, the closest statement they may actually agree with is that anyone who saves their country has done nothing wrong, regardless of what the law says. The revolutionary war was, by just about any definition, the equivalent of terrorism for the time. Rejection of the crown and empire, murder of soldiers “rightfully” protecting British property, it was a crime.

But whether it was immoral to break those laws is a different question. If the laws are immoral, oppressive, and/or unjust, then they deserve to be broken. Trump’s statement here feels less like “defy evil people” and more “I will make it legal” a la Darth Sideous.

Many Canadians would be happy to tape this to/write it on whatever device they’re using to add to the Geneva Checklist with those poor, unsuspecting soldiers

How are authoritarianism and greed not in the DSM-5?

If I had posted the same thing here, Reddit would have banned me for it.

He is not saving the country so there’s that.


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