Should never have started it

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By Trumps logic

The USA deserved the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.

toddlers use more logic in their arguments than you are seeing out of the right in the US.

Source of illustration:

Patrick Chappette

Illustration title: Three years of war in Ukraine


You forgot the kids they stole

9/11 was Americas fault!

Russia switches the superior role to victim role as it fits them.

“Oh we’re the great superpower, step aside or we’ll launch the nukes”
“Oh no, the military bases are too close to our border, now we have no choice but to start a war and kill thousands of people”

And Trump gives paws like a good dog.

Russian troops would never skip the chance to get some fresh fruits, clearly fake.

Trump before the election” I don’t want anyone to die. I’m gonna stop the war”

After the election “Kill everybody”

Meloni is torn between choosing the side of the dead cyclist who got run over by a Russian tank, and Trump blaming the cyclist for getting run over.

We have enemies within, as well.

I love the contrast between MAGA AI buff Trump and mango mussolini in these comics… way more on point

I just wish he wasn’t a caricature, just his original shitty self

This will be the fate of other European countries if we donโ€™t act now

He also threatened the governor of Maine in US with defunding the state from federal funding. Honestly, what do you expect from this idiot? He is a Ruzzian asset. Trumpolini and Putler are on the action nowโ€ฆ


The strongest is always right, and you only choose your allies based on your own self-interest.

A bully’s mentality. Most rulers and nations are such.

Keep these coming! Hammer it home how ridiculous these leaders are

Trump can give Alaska to Russia

Ufgh. That one hurt.

History is just a series of bad faith arguments with worse [consequences](

Almost immediately turns on an ally to make friends with Putin.

Gaslighting level: presidential

What a shithole existence

Why is Poland starting another War?!?

They’re asking for it!!

Current Mantra has Poland worried

It’s Trump, he never cares about others.


Careful with that shit. Idiots will see that as an official announcement.

And we’ll end it without the nazi states of america.

At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if trump started shipping weapons to Russia.

I mean ukraine has gotten so much support from the whole EU. Kinda embarrassing for them not hitting rus back but awesome job at defending by ukraine tho. Only thing left to see is that ukraine using nukes against its enemies ๐Ÿ˜ญ we dont need puting anyway๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Total ignorance about reality. You can still easily see how this started in 2014 and who sent military through the eastern Ukrainian towns and mass murdered people there for not accepting an absolute illegal coup.

But of course the truth is the worst enemy of fascism…

If anyone startet it it thaz wasnt russia it was the us

He is a puppet from Putin

Whatever the case is… I genuinely hope a war will never break out between the EU/NATO and Russia… even if Sober I might rant about Russia being an existential enemy of the EU I’m not sure how I’ll deal with having to end the lives of fellow humans… especially considering I have to share a massive border with Russia…

This is SO fake news! Trump would never show himself without melted cheese on his face !!

Joke. Joke more. Forget that Ukraine bombed Donetsk and Lugansk for 8 years.

Or is it not true?

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