Should probably take that sign down.

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A neighbor of mine had this sign 

Now he’s digging up his butt for excuses for why “trump has to increase prices”

Why does this campaign sign look like it comes from Tim and Eric Awesome show?

Thinking this election was ever about “Prices”.


Went into an abandoned house that hadn’t been used since the hurricane in Georgia in September. There was some political mail on the table it said:

Trump protect social security and medicare- Good

Kamala hates social security and medicare- Bad

In huge over the top font with flames and evil eyes coming out of kamala.

I just chuckled. Oh sky cake…

Sign doesn’t make much sense in the order of things. Shouldn’t the kamala one be on top because that’s high and Trump on the bottom? Or is this another case that they wouldn’t do trumpy bad by having him below a woman?

Me good
Them bad
This is caveman politics

The price at which Trump can be bought is much lower than the price at which Kamala can be bought

Ask a trump supporter, they don’t care. Now we’re worried about expensive food and not government waste and elon is a hero.

They will never admit that they got played for fools.

Seems to have aged well.

Trump’s low prices are actually higher than Harris’s “High prices”.

I like it when they leave the Trump lies up. It makes it easier to spot all of those who are responsible for the ensuing mess.

Trump supporters really need a lesson on how tariffs work lol

Keep it for the next 4 years as a reminder how you all bit into the propaganda.

This sign was always fucking stupid. It’s like it was written by a toddler

Trumpflation is here. EVERYTHING is up 30%. Once Trump said he would impose tariffs on day one the stores reacted immediately and the prices will not go down. Thanks Trump.

Conservatives are such dreamers.

“Let him cook, bro.” – MAGA chodes.

Totally. I saw another one that read Trump = Safety, Kamala = Crime. Whatever, cult-mind.

Just put a sign next to it saying “Everyone has a price.”

But now, according to Fox News, it’s patriotic to pay higher prices. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Make it make sense.

Proof that propaganda works, and it doesn’t have to be sophisticated

Trump supporters’ new messaging lane on high prices and inflation is that if you don’t like them it must be because you are a disgusting poor person. 

Kamala promised price control to reduce grocery prices while Trump promised tariffs that would raise grocery prices.

why is my local farmer locking up his eggs now?

They really fooled the idiots with these things

It’ll be funnier the longer the leave it up

Fascinating, the inability of trumpies to have the respect to use her last name as is customary.

Just add a question mark

Reality: Any President….High Prices.

Also Reality, Trump: No Jobs

These signs are being tossed into the Memory Hole.

They didn’t even see the con coming as it slapped them in the face

Wait he doesn’t have a magic price reduction button on the desk? How unusual. I bet it’s more complex than that

You know they just claim “the dumb Dems expect it all to happen in 3 weeks!!?”???

you dont understand high prices are good /s

These false dichotomy signs pissed me the fuck off all election season. Thankfully they’re not official campaign signs so there’s less protection for them.

Either way things were going up, the difference being that Trump has no clue how to run things. All he knows how to do is:

1. Sign his name

2. Ramble

3. Cheat at golf at his own resort (the one time he competed outside of it he placed 63rd/67)

Nah, leave it up.

Try this on for size… the schadenfreude for MAGA voters is understandable but counterproductive. The country needs them to get pissed off and demand their senators and Reps do their jobs before it’s too late.

Even if they don’t reciprocate, a modicum of empathy just might get a few of them to act in our collective best interests.

Literally every thing that comes out of his mouth are lies. He won, he got the down trodden and racist white vote. Let’s hope there is a constitutional government left in 4 years. I have my doubts.

Stupid people fall for stupid lies. Enjoy (not) getting what you voted for.

Leave it up. Solid concrete evidence.

The republican party has figured it out. People are stupid. Their entire campaign was simpleton messaging like this. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, dumb people just see signs like this and they’re programmed. Dumb people don’t ask questions, so when they see “Trump low prices”, that’s the end of it…. it doesn’t matter to them that in order to get “Trump low prices” he crashes the economy into a major recession and they lose their job, because that’s too complicated.

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