Should we start giving tips

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Never tip. Bad system.

I ordered online by myself, made no alterations to my food, drove there myself, and retrieved it from a non-human contact point.

You’re not getting a fucking 18% tip.

Tips just give employers the ability to pay garbage wages and unfairly gives extra income to attractive employees who do the exact same amount of work as other employees. Tipping needs to be permanently dumped and forgotten.

After they give me that Look like im the employer

fight for places to play their employees fair wages, but not tipping at places that don’t just fucks over the workers

it’s like some of you douchebags haven’t seen the beginning of Reservoir Dogs

When the coffee shop asks for a tip after you just paid $7 for a latte. 😅

Bro the tip system is optional it’s not like you have to do it unless they actually beg you for one

The meth head after being tazed by twelve cops and still standing

Tip at a restaurant. Never at fast food. The businesses should be paying their workers a livable wage in the first place. Only time I tip at a place that isn’t a restaurant, has the little pads. Those are food trucks and my hair stylist if those places give good service and good food.

I’m friends with my bartender. I always give them a good tip.

The method I go to is, I think to myself: “Am I getting the same service that I would get at a McDonald’s”? If the answer is yes, then I don’t give tip. I don’t tip at McDonald’s or other fast food chain

his had me chuckling like a child in my car and i work in food service

Ask if they get the tip or the store. Stores sometimes leave it in the POS system and it’s not a shared tip. You are simply overpaying for the service.

No dont tip, make the bosses pay fair wages

Nah, gotta shake a little ass for that

I only give tips at restaurants and only if the sever is really nice, and doesn’t ignore me

I dont give tips anywhere unless its me telling the waiter “Im not your employer, ask them to pay you minimum wage if you think youre worth that.”.

I worked customer service half my life where I never got a single tip, why would someone whos not doing any work but bringing food to the counter or table be deserving of a tip? 😂

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