Shrek is life

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Now I’m wondering about any other movies without much cuts and timeskips but manage to have a massive character arc.

You can spend like 3 hours preparing for your day and there’s characters that are entirely different people by the first 90 minutes.

Imagine a character that wakes up and goes on a massive adventure in realtime, they go on a character arc and end up as barely the same person before they even eat lunch

“If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter”

Being concise is hard, a 90 minute movie is the result of scriptwriters and editors doing months/years of work, chances are the long meeting you were in had a couple of days at most of prep time at most (also nobody interrupted Shrek in the middle of the movie for a long tangent to ask why Shrek had done the whole rescue himself rather than collaborating with another team who realistically would have brought no additional knowledge and would have only added additional requirements that weren’t needed for a minimum viable rescue)

I’ve known some excellent upper management in my life who can turn 3 bullet points into a 60 minute meeting that turns into 90.

The movie may have been 90 minutes, but in universe itโ€™s a few weeks at least.

So are you saying Shrek could have been an email?

Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life

90 mins meetings aren’t bad, talk to someone that has to sit in on milestone reviews for spacecraft, which can last 8 to 12 per day for several days. You haven’t lived until you have heard about how heat transfer works in space using esoteric dry math for six hours straight.

In my experience, those kinds of meetings are largely driven by insecure people who like to hear themselves talk.

I read the name Shrek, and almost instantly my brain hits play on Smashmouth… “some-body once told me…”

A rundown eh? Charles Miner….is that you

90 minutes? Thatโ€™s all? The last company I worked for did 7 hour meetings. Needless to say I am no longer working there.

To be fair I believe the movie takes place over about 4-5 days, but yeah 90 minute meetings suck.

Worst is when you are required to be on a 90 minute meeting in case they want to ask you a question.

Yeah Ron, this new reporting set up is just that complicated. And in two weeks we’ll have to have this call again because people like you are just dozing off thinking about Shrek and not taking any notes.

If only we could all have a montage to this song to help us arc our characters in a few minutes [](

Well, you can do all that if you wanna be a fucking Orge!


*Ok… Let’s just go over the action planner*

me, silently waiting until they get to my damn department.

Yeah, but, I mean that’s Shrek. Cant go claiming everyone in a typical workplace is as awesome as Shrek.

What’s a rundown?


Itโ€™s like cooking and eating. It takes forever and a half to prepare a meal but only a few minutes to sit down and eat.

You know how many meetings it took to get that to happen in 90 minutes

White collar workers bitching about sitting through meetings is hilarious. Their jobs are so easy that listening to people speak for long periods of time is the most loathesome part about it

I mean…. how many meetings did it take for Shrek to get that fast?


In my experience itโ€™s because those that run meetings like to hear themselves talk. Repeating the same buzzwords and platitudes ad nauseam until itโ€™s programmed in your brain. Or until youโ€™ve passed out from boredom

Most work related meetings involving statistics and strategies can be crunched down to 15-30 minutes but no, the employer demands awkward questionings as of why the results were as it were because the employer isn’t involved with the company, just basically counting the days until the next car into his collection arrives.

As the managers are already 100% informed of the reasons causing how and why, why not just have a meeting with the managers?

Experiencing this both as a working minion and a manager, I see why the film “Office Space” is the cultural remark that it is.

If Shrek had to stop and explain the patently bloody obvious to the dumbest people in the audience, the first showing will still be going on.

The meetings I’m in usually have a slide deck custom crafted to the audience. It has high level overviews and detailed points backed with facts and data that are relevant to the audience.

The audience just usually goes off the rails on the first slide and starts asking a bunch of questions. Questions that are typically answered with one of the following.

Yes we verified with so and so.

That’s later in the deck.

Let me back up two slides and answer that.

That’s not relevant to the scope of this project.

We don’t have funding to do that.

When we presented the project request you didn’t want to fund doing that.

We have a meeting with so and so because they won’t sign the request with out further information.

Nothing changed since the last time we presented this.

Everything has changed since the last time we presented this because we had to refresh our quotes that were over a year old.

Ect ect.

So inevitably the meeting schedule for 30mins that should take 15mins, ends up taking 60+mins.

Helen B. Schwartzmann.

Long meetings are great! That means fewer things to get through in the day.

“No, sorry, I won’t be able to get to that today… my boss had me in a 2-hour meeting this morning.”

Eh Iโ€™m getting paid for those 90 minutes of phone time. Just means work gets pushed until tomorrow oh well.

A lot of management’s main job is justifying their job.

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