Sigh… [OC]

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To be fair, doesn’t really look like Rebecca is doing her part either.

Death is out here overworked, understaffed, and still getting customer complaints.

comment image?width=1688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32965a6f1fc91b62c05cf467fc976af6aa25ddd7


So… does he have an *actual* bone for a boner?

Sadly for Rebecca in this case “la petit mort” is literal

Clearly he just needs to do whatever Deadpool is doing

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There is an incredibly fine line for when sex is amazing for women. By getting that magic number is very difficult for most men. Either we come too early or too late

Just like the beginning of Nosferatu

Damn it Rebecca lmao


Well maybe if Life hadn’t fucked her so hard…

What an unfortunate time to be able to read and comprehend

I love how I immediately knew this was Adam even before I looked at the username.

Guess you can say for Rebecca this experience has been rather, bare bones.

Why is this not marked nsfw </3

Mark this NSFW please

This is hilarious

The pressure isn’t helping…

Thank you for writing Death’s speech in all caps


Death is on some potent antidepressants and they have some side effects, ok?

the “dance” of death or smth idk

I’m so fucking stupid, I thought the joke was that she couldn’t see death or something until other people started to post basically the same comic and realized it’s about sex 💀

I’m so fucking stupid

I know she’s caught all kinds of diseases

Rebecca is star fishing, death rarely comes for star fish.

Death kinda caked up ngl

Just discovered this subreddit… it’s all just sex and boob jokes, huh?

Damn I was about to call you our for stealing this classic until I saw the watermark lol. Love the updated look!

This is sick! I love it.

This is just nosferatu

This cartoon is yucky af

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