Sir Christopher Nolan accepts his knighthood from the king

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The Dark Knight.

If I’m getting knighted, the king better be wearing a crown.

Nice seeing Jimmy Kimmel in the back there too…

They give you a little chair to kneel on? That seems ridiculous. Make them actually kneel

Can he…refuse?

Its kind funny if you think about the knighting ceremony. Like at its simplest, you’re allowing someone to place a deadly weapon up to your neck in a show of trust and fealty.

Now imagine if we modernized this:

>The king places a loaded glock to your temple and says, “tell me your my bitch.”

Look at Emma in the background. Clearly very proud.

She received her Damehood today as well.

Well deserved.

after he knighted him, Prince Charles pulled Sir Nolan aside and said to him “ok, now you can explain Tenet”

Goddamn! I didn’t know he got knighted. “Academy Award Winner Sir Christopher Nolan” has a nice ring to it

I keep forgetting they have a king now

There was a terrible audio mix during the ceremony though…

That is really cool.

It seems they hand these out like candy.

Off with his head

I wonder if the UK just watches the debacle we call American politics and feels at peace maintaining a democracy? Knighting and, at worst, a divorce, seems like a nice calm little country midlife crisis. We in the US are a raging toddler who has not napped, got into the granulated sugar, and then popped PCP… every 4 years.

I miss Queen Elizabeth and I’m not even in one of the commonwealth countries.

It’s funny how old and rich people keep cosplaying this way and people just agree

cant hear the dialogue

Should have been like the old John Cleese and declined it. Not so sure Cleese would decline it now.

When I was a kid I thought anyone who was brave enough to allow the king to tap his shoulders with a sword could become a knight.

Can’t even kneel down properly.

I guess knighthoods are the new Grammy’s.

Am I the only one that thinks it’s weird to elevate people over others by doing this?

Strictly speaking he was just Christopher Nolan when he accepted it… and after that Sir Christopher Nolan 🤓

Did not realise he was English ! Everyday is a school day

I dub thee Sir “Needs an Editor”

Hopefully the music wasn’t too loud for them to hear each other’s dialog..

I think less of most of these people who accept these titles and admire the ones who turn it down.

Didn’t know we had a king

How does this work? Does the king choose who is knighted?

Is his first part on a theatre?

He must’ve seen Interstellar in IMAX

This has “dude I love your movies” energy 😍

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