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When I was in 5th grade, we got new twin students that were formerly homeschooled. They would often talk about how much they loved their mom and older sister, and how beautiful they were and how they wish they could marry them when they get older and have children. They did not know any pop culture, any mainstream media/movies/games/music etc. They didn’t know a lot of things about the world outside of basic math, local geography, and they had poor reading skills. They only knew God and Jesus. I think most of us kids were like “okay…. weird, whatever” but would then try to get them to be into stuff that we were all into and not be so weird. They refused, said it was all evil and their parents warned them not to fall for our evilness.

Anyways, they ended up getting bullied so badly they were taken out of school to go back to homeschooling. I wonder where they are now.

Your gay kid is going to be gay no matter what toys you buy. Your straight kid is going to be straight no matter what toys you buy.

Little boys should get dolls, too and it’s bad parenting to not nurture their empathy. Action figures do not teach empathy. They teach action.

Our parents did us a favor by telling us NO to Mcdonalds every time we asked.

Stop forcing your sons into sports


If your kid can’t sit the fuck down stop bringing them to restaurants, your are causing a hazard to everyone in the establishment.

Take: Some of y’all just rawdogged with no thoughts for consequences and now you resent the evidence of your bad decision. And it’s showing in how you bring the kid up.

If you read books, your kid is more likely to be a happy reader.

A lot of kids out here never had a library card and it shows.

Your child will not be traumatized by disappointment or discomfort. You don’t have to constantly indulge them. You can say no to them sometimes and they will be okay.

Stop forcing your child into strict veganism.

“Because I said so” should never be used as a reason. Explain yourself to your kids.

You’re naming a future adult not a puppy. Naming your child something wild for the sake of being unique or cute will do them a disservice amongst their peers and professionally in life. How many doctors are called “Mommy’s Shanellion Saint Dasagittarius Prince-Au-Port King”

Stop acting like your kid is going to be the one to get into NFL/NBA/MLB/NHL etc. and treating them like a demigod. The rest of us have to deal with their conceited little asses and you’d better not be shocked when someone snaps and beats their ass concave. I know so many student athletes who are kind, respectful, and all around great people, but I know so many more who are just assholes because Mommy and Daddy treated them like God’s gift to this earth just because they can throw a ball around.

Only about 2-3% of college athletes make it to the professional level. Prepare your fucking kids to be the 97-98% that don’t! Make them get a damn retail job!

Kids grow up better without technology.. period

Read to your kid every single day. I know you’re tired, I know you have things to do, but you still have to spend some time reading to your kid.

I definitely agree with this take, but you are joking if you think this is an unpopular opinion.

Just bc the video games are keeping them indoors and outta shenanigans doesn’t mean they should be on them for 12hr+ a day. Online gaming has a very specific atmosphere

I can tell when dads were pussy and/or insecure by the way they treat their sons.

Also stop forcing your religion. Just because you were probably indoctrinated doesn’t mean your kids have to be.


I know that for an FACT, I am not qualified. And I am unashamed to admit it. My daughter school work is beyond different than what we learned back in the 90s.. And those tablets.. Fucking tablets.

Talking to children as if they are your peers. They aren’t. They need parents/parental figures, not adults who act like them or their friends.

That children are not leverage; they won’t make a person stay that doesn’t want to. They won’t make a person “do right” if that’s not what they want to do.

And if you think that having a child with/by them is going to take away your sexual partner’s agency, you’re the toxic one, albeit surreptitiously.

Children are people too with their own thoughts and feelings. They should be able to express themselves when they’re upset.

FACTS! The average reading level is 6th grade in this country. You can homeschool maaaaaaybe till 2nd grade. After that kids need real teachers. Ive heard to many black ppl say “i dont want my kids learning about gay or trans stuff”. My brother in christ, school is made to prepare kids for the real world. Gay/trans ppl exist, kids need to know about them. They will learn of them sooner and its better young then at a job and they get fired due to an HR violation.

It gets me mad because where i grew up. White parents took their kids to private school because they didnt want their kids to know about black history. And seeing the same logic play out in my own people rubs me wrong. We should be better.

Education is already a massive problem here, where it seems like the average person reads on a 5th grade level. Now you want someone LESS qualified to teach it. 😑

I work in child protection, and any time I see the words ‘home schooled’ cross my desk, rest assured I’m going to see an incredibly ugly case. Lots of these parents home school their kids because they view them as property, not for any practical reason, and you can do whatever you want to your property.

You share 50% of the blame for your kid failing in school

It should be “You do not have the PATIENCE to homeschool your kids, because lawd knows they test you!

Most parents I know aren’t even qualified to have kids. My own included, lol

Most parents aren’t qualified to be parents

A friend of mine used to be homeschooled,Luckily her parents taught her pop culture and she’s actually a good person.Nothing is weird or off about her,I think my school got lucky.

Children at a very young age should make decisions about their own life and make mistakes and have consequences.

iPad babysitters fucking these kids up. Maybe idk, instead of a YouTuber reading a book, read the book with the damn kid yourself.

54% of American adults read at a 6th grade level. Literally, most of you/ us are most **definitely not** qualified to homeschool your kids.

You shouldn’t give anyone under 10 pop. Juice should only be given with meals.

Love this! It’s so important to break away from what society tells us is “normal.” We need more of this energy in the world ✊💖

No one cares about your kid except you. They are not special. Remember that.

You don’t need to physically discipline your children to make them well-mannered and respectful

I will go further, you aren’t even qualified to have that much of a say in the curriculum they teach at school.

Special Ed teacher here.

Yeah…homeschooling I’m sure sounds intriguing to some of y’all. If you deprive your young, especially if they are disabled or neurodivergent, of early intervention and socialization you better be absolutely loaded because that person is going to be in a residential care facility for the rest of their life.

Those folks would be so offended by this, if they could read


the truth hits harder than the backlash

Participation Trophies are ok.
It’s good to learn how to work in a team towards a goal.

Most of us aren’t gonna be Tua Tagovaiola.

Every child deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a child.

Both my parents were teachers so it worked out for me. Other homeschooled kids I knew in our homeschooling group didn’t do *any* school work. Shit was wild.

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