Slept on show

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The Cleveland show was actually really good

Black show by a white man was NEVER gone be a hit ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ“‰

Edit: Niggas wasnโ€™t fuckin wit that corny ass show it was so obvious it was a white dudes corny take on niggas we seen right thru that shit. MAIN CHARACTER WAS PLAYED BY HIS WHITE BUDDY like tf ๐Ÿ“‰๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿซต๐Ÿผ. It was a show full of all the jokes he and his white friends lol at ๐Ÿšฎ

I liked The Cleveland Show. I didnโ€™t like that big ass random bear. They couldโ€™ve did a Pitbull.

Thatโ€™s American Dad too!!๐Ÿ˜ญ

American Dad did the black jokes better despite the family being white. Like the pretty ricky couch video who told them about that lol

Imma be real. American Dad is better than Family guy

Honestly itโ€™s American dad sometimes , humor is great

I tell black people this all the time. Literally everything we want is already out there, its just not supported

The reason the Cleveland Show failed is because it was asstastic. I have no idea what made them think the blandest member of Peters crew could carry a spin-off.

At least they had 4 seasons somebody was watchin including me

Meh. *Sometimes* it had good jokes, but it just didn’t hit for me.

The show got better about season 3 but the first two seasons were basically heres how black folks who have never met black folks see them

American Dad took over. Fucking love American Dad. And every single song is a fucking Banger. But yeah I watched Cleveland show. It had its moments but American Dad clears all those now.

Sometimes I wonder what wouldโ€™ve happened if The Cleveland show took the same route as American Dad and went to cable.

The Cleveland show wasn’t very good. I felt it was at the same level as family guy was when he left the show. Occasional good joke in each episode but neither were great.

American dad has been straight fire though.

Bring back Bebeโ€™s Kids

โ€ฆ..Written by a white man
It didnโ€™t really hit like that. Yโ€™all are having nostalgia

I’ll rather more R&B from Steve Anita Smith than a whole other show to have to watch.

They probably donโ€™t even know that thatโ€™s actually Francine from American dad which makes it even more funny.

That’s not even Family Guy. That’s American Dad…

Craziest moment on The Cleveland Show was when Cleveland Jr. did a rap battle with Kanye West

Was The Cleveland Show written by black people?

American Dad is the black Seth McFarlane show. You can tell they have way more black writers on staff than they ever did for The Cleveland Show.

It didnโ€™t feel black. Doesnโ€™t have to be some gangster exaggeration of good times but it just felt like it had black characters.

F that, we need the Boondocks. But like every thing else, wonโ€™t get the support it needs.

I want to rock with them, but the rest of that person’s tweets are unhinged. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

We shoulda still have The Boondocks running.

Cleveland show was mid asf

I’ve seen a few clips, but never actually watched the whole show

I did, every episode!

I love that Francine has finally been black coded in the last 2 weeks cause she was always w it. Later seasons not but early, POP OFF!

When I regularly watched Family Guy, Cleveland was my favorite character, but I couldn’t really get behind his not being the ‘straight man.’ He was breaking away from that mold before he left Family Guy. I realize they were trying to follow the money, and I’m curious to know how they would’ve done that with Cleveland keeping his original persona. Some of the black humor definitely felt forced, and you could tell it wasn’t written for us by us. It makes me think of what Joe said when Cleveland returned to Family Guy: “What was supposed to be the show’s audience anyway? Who did you make it for? Like, some black guy who’s never met another black guy?”

I stopped watching The Cleveland Show a bit after it aired but started watching it again during the COVID lockdowns, and it started growing on me. There were several good episodes, and I got quite a few laughs. Seasons 2 – 4 (especially 4) were the better ones.

I was pretty upset when I found out that they were canceling King of The Hill for The Cleveland Show, but when I think about it, KOTH had a great run and went out in a propane flame of glory. I’m looking forward to the reboot and hope it does the original run justice.

Fun fact about the Cleveland show since Family Guy was supposed to make fun of all in the family, the Cleveland show is supposed to make fun of the Jeffersonโ€™s in the sense that they are both spinoff from an original show

Iโ€™d argue none of the Seth McFarland animated shows are good outside of being high. Background noise at best

the cleveland show deserved so much more love, yโ€™all slept on a gem

Clevelandโ€™s rap was the ish!

Cleveland show was slept on af

I didnโ€™t like the Cleveland Showโ€ฆ.. but Iโ€™m not a fan of family guy either soโ€ฆโ€ฆ..

When you gon burn me them Glee DVDs?!

The Cleveland show was 100x funnier than Family Guy & American Dad. It was WAY ahead of itโ€™s time.

idc i loved the cleveland show. ABCDEFG someone shouldve told you not to fuck with me

Yo, this show had me dying

I absolutely love the Cleveland show.

I def slept on it, then my kid discovered it and put me on.

Idk why anyone would want black family guy. I donโ€™t even want white family guy.


Becleve yourself.

Next they gonna say they want a black friends ๐Ÿ™„


Slept on nothing. My stepson is named Rallo

๐ŸŽถ “I am making a little cereal milk!” ๐ŸŽถ

The Cleveland Show was actually really good. It’s funny as hell.

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