Smells distinct, though.

By Ryde29
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If someone’s house smells like cat shit & piss they’re not doing an adequate job cleaning.

Ugh my friend keeps the litter box right next to her front door and I don’t understand why.

They said the cat smells clean, the house was not mentioned.

My brother has a dog and 2 cats… His house never smells when I visit… Well it smells like a well looked after house… If people don’t know how to care for their pets and their home, it’s not really the pet’s fault

My friend has a cat and their house does NOT smell. Infact I thought I was allergic to cats for a while until I went over and saw his cat

As the old saying goes: the last thing the fish notices is the water.

Wow, I thought this was /clevercomebacks but looking at the comments it’s more like r/petfree.

I can assure you when you properly clean the litter box it doesn’t smell.

It does if you clean it, although if the point is cat shit smells “clean” no, it does not

If your cat home does not smell clean you are doing something absolutely wrong. I’ve been to loads of cat homes. The litterbox should be in a place with good ventilation and cleaned daily/whenever the cat poops. Good litter absorbs pee and removes the scent, which is why I prefer crystal over clay litter (it doesn’t have to be scented). There’s also loads of odour removers in the market. Unlike babies, cats groom themselves and they distribute essential oils on their skin when doing so, keeping their coat fresh and odour free. And for people who argue that cat poop gets stuck to their butts… it’s a long-hair issue and you’re supposed to trim them. Regardless whether you have a cat or a child you have to do a lot of work to keep things clean but anyone who thinks the average housecat is as high maintenance as a baby is a moron. That goes both ways; being a cat parent doesn’t mean you have it as tough as a real parent.

My dad hates cats and has a very sensitive nose but even he admits cats never smell bad unless you are straight up negligent. You can also just have them poop outside if cleaning litter is too much work, although I would *much* rather scoop poop with a big plastic scooper than have to pick it out of a diaper.

ITT: people really offended by the reality that babies smell like shit lmao

The cat does smell clean. The kid does smell stinky. The house was never mentioned.

that’s because you’re supposed to have the litter in a semi outdoor or outdoor space with ventilation, your litter box should be metal to eliminate the scents from seeping into the material of the litter box, and you’re supposed to clean the litter twice a day, I have two cats and you wouldn’t even know it…

Yeah my cats drop some diabolic stinkers

I’ve been in houses where cats lived that did not smell. Lots of cat owners just suck at cleaning.

Yeah idk. You wouldnt be able to tell I have a cat if he wasn’t super social. Those automatic cleaning machines are fucking miracles

My children also never walked in their own shit and then all over my kitchen counters.

Pet owners are so obsessed with hating on children. Your fur baby is just as annoying to everyone else.

It’s perfectly fine to not want kids, but when people on the internet start to neglect the humanity of children, they really lose me.

Toxoplasmoses will make them think it smells clean.

It’s far cleaner than a tiny human and way less expensive. Lol

We have a litter robot – no smell ever. And our cat doesn’t spray or have accidents.

It’s crazy the smells people can get so used to they don’t notice it.

Lol. That person has some bad pet owning friends.

Didn’t say the house smells clean. Said the cat smells clean. Not so clever…

Trust me child owners, neither does yours.
At least my cat has manners and isn’t at risk for teen pregnancy or school shootings.

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