Smiling face appears while roasting peppers

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… What are you doing



“This is fine”

To the commenters that aren’t getting why there are a lot of commenters expressing concern: the concern isn’t that pepper is being fire-roasted. The concern is that it’s just sitting on the burner cover, which isn’t supposed to be used as a cooking surface. Using skewers or some sort of grilling grate would make this seem much less weird.


You unholy abomination.

He smiles in the face of death,yearning for the flames toasty embrace. This is the best way to make salsa btw

Y’all never had a Mexican abuela cook for you and it shows lol

Idk why but this angle makes it seem like the burner is on a wall and I like it

Surprised how many people here are acting like this is an insane thing to do. Obviously they don’t eat it like that. The black part gets peeled off.

it’s smiling at all of the confused comments 🙂

At first I thought that this looks like 2 turtles being roasted alive.

I love roasting peppers like that!

Lot of people in here outing themselves not knowing how to cook lmao

ITT: Commenters who don’t cook.

At the very least get them on a stick and hold them to the flame, jesus

that’s because they like it hot

If it resembled the face of Jesus you could earn money opening your house for visitation


Looks good already

Pepper version of the “this is fine” meme


Amazed by all the people who think this is a crazy cooking method. This is an extremely common and easily the most effective/convenient way of getting instant fire-roasted peppers. The black outer skin is discarded and you’re left with incredible peppers in seconds.

It’s so wild seeing how every comment is calling this weird or stupid. It’s incredibly normal. This is to develop flavour on the peppers before they are blended or mashed for a sauce. The charred layer is removed before the remainder is blended and this adds a very nice roasted flavour that improves basically anything made with peppers.

I assume people are reacting strongly to this because of the pepper directly on the burner and not because it’s a burnt pepper. Cook your peppers however you want, but use a skewer or pan.

Lots of people who only microwave food and order off their phones confused by an actual cooking method here.

“Now I am the hottest pepper!”

There’s no escape; the only hope is the sweet relief of death.

“Father! I loved you!”


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