Sneaky kiss & love

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What game is that?

Middle mouse for some tongue action

Right mouse to kiss someone else’s wife.

Sports fans are more violent than video game fans.

*This is why I hate video games it appeals to the male fantasy.*

If you kiss from stealth, do you get a critical kiss? Would it do double kissing as a crit?

She gets killed literally 1 min later lol

And lets disregard how for the rest of the game you will be single handedly committing orc genocide.

actually, I found this tutorial very charming, a change for once.

Okay but like technically this is super out of context because that character gets brutally murdered like 2 seconds after this and the rest of the game is like extremely violent

Remember, no Russian…

God damn, how i love that game

that was a great way to introduce kissing the orcs to submission

What game is that?

i swear if it wasnt for video games, i would have ended up in prison a long time ago…

once i was a walking time bomb, i couldnt control my anger and occasionally even physically attack people… but using video games as my place to escape from the world and just ” live in a different realm “… i managed to train myself to hold my anger, and i’ve met incredible people along the way that i could call my friends, after growing up with none.

I’ve been playing call of duty most of my school time, and I haven’t harmed anyone in my life.

This is what games are about it apeals to the male fantasy

Religion is far more dangerous than violent video games.


Click R3 to kiss your REAL WIFE


this game is so cool wish they remastered them for new gen consoles but keep the gameplay nemesis system was so damn good

I nearly broke my mouse with that prompt, as I smashed left click with my fist

Is your wife’s name Jenny?

Then what happens? 😏


Nah, that crazy!

I was always scared you’d have to do this to the orcs

Played Shadow of Mordor for the first time a month ago, took a sc of this scene and sent it to friends with the caption “video games appeal to the male fantasy”

This section *was* a genuinely neat way to introduce you to stealth mechanics.

Men want one thing, and it’s disgusting.

Man, I get excited when I can pet a dog or a cat in a game.

oh god….don’t make me remember the happy memories. that song….it hurts….

F in the chat boys.

Video games tell me that “nothing is more badass than treating a woman with respect”

Is this an actual game?

LOVE??? Disgusting!!!

haven’t you heard? the puritans have moved on from “videogames make you violent”, now they make you misogynistic.

And then the wife and son are violently murdered in front of you.

I’m so tired of video game protagonists having to lose their loved ones. It would be nice not to always have to play as a person driven by grief and revenge.

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