Snowball – Gator Days (OC)

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To be fair, she didn’t see it coming

Hannah learned an important lesson that day.

*Trust no one*


Curse your sudden, yet inevitable betrayal!

Et Tu, Olivia?

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My immediate thought for the last panel was a Jojo style cut. ๐Ÿคฃ

Blood for the Blood God, Snow for the Snow Thrown.

Hannah’s face. The look of pure betrayal you get, after one of your friends owns you, lol.


Love your comics. They remind me of Family Circus if it was actually good.


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Betrayl…Et tu Olivia?!


Top 10 anime betrayal

โ€œTheyโ€™ll never see it coming.โ€



I mean she did help and I do the same as Olivia

Showed this to my fiancee and she immediately goes “”top ten anime betrayals”. Love the art!

Never see it coming eh?

Olivia will make a great member of the Phantom Thieves!

Such betrayal! This is going to set off a 10 comic mini arch of plotting & revenge!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal

They never *did* see it coming.

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At that moment, Olivia chose a path to walk:


Et tu?

Insert Persona joke here

Hannah: et tu, Brute?

Olivia: yeah that throw was pretty brutal! Thanks!

No good deed goes unpunished.

Evil… Absolutely deliciously evil.


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Reap what you sow.

Somehow worse than anything Kevin Owenโ€™s has done to Sami Zayn.

*mmmm whatcha saaaaay*

The temptation of a snowball.

The appearance of a turned back.

I feel like Hannah could and perhaps should have seen this coming.

The gift of friendship in snow and cold

The snowball that will never grow old

A tale of betrayal has begun to be told

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