So fucking real.

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And that’s the point. They don’t *want* to lessen crime. They want crime rampent so they can arrest people and use their slave labor in for profit prisons. They want crime going strong so they can put fear in your average citizens, further dividing working class people. They want an excuse to keep throwing money at the police so they can use them as personal attack dogs against union strikes and peaceful demonstrations. They also want people desperate for scraps of necessities so they’ll continue to take the lowest wages and the worst working conditions, or else they and their family go hungry on the streets.

We have the resources and technology in this modern age to give everyone their basic needs as universal programs while having strong labor rights, but that wouldn’t make the rich feel superior. It’s all part of the plan and that plan won’t stop unless the rich are *forcefully* removed from the playing field.

But prisons offer cheap labor. Increase crime, increase sentences, increase availability to cheap labor.

That is essentially what I am learning in Criminology. Crime is lessened by lessening the suffering of people. Yet governments are working at bringing more punitive measures against the working class, despite research showing that doesn’t work.

The oligarchs don’t want to lower crime. They want to squeeze and make money, then squeeze more and make desperate people … so the desperate people become criminals, so they can take away rights to protect everyone … so they can squeeze more to make money.

It’s called structural violence. Everything everyone needs already exists we just pretend that it doesn’t. 

The system is working as intended.


This would make too much sense tho

Wild what you can do when you see these as symptoms rather than personal sins

It’s like pro-birth people who will do everything possible to outlaw abortion and contraceptives but do nothing to make having a child more tenable or desirable.

Welllll just to nitpick, free college lessening crime might be a weaker connection than this poster thinks. We’ve got a lot of examples of places with free college then just having nowhere for their college educated populace to work

I’d say free college, PLUS

-free tech school

-initiatives for tech-school education being valued as much as college

-initiatives for employers to lower the “paper ceiling” and make sure they don’t have college as a hiring condition where it’s not needed

All that will just feed in to lowering unemployment, which lowers desperation and in turn lowers crime

Crime often stems from desperation and lack of opportunity. Crime becomes less about survival and more about opportunity for growth when people have what they need to live

This exactly! The GOP and “Christians” don’t want this, it would intrude on their “we are superior” narrative.

It is known but they aren’t trying to create that, they want us enslaved as the end goal

nah man build a wall /s


…and you do all of this by taxing the uber wealthy out of existence.

Literally Bernie’s platform before the oligarchs controlled the narrative to the masses to shut him down.

Ever play lost oddessey? It’s ok if you haven’t, but in it there’s an island nation with an immortal queen ruling it. There’s only ever been the one ruler and she’s steered the nation towards towards peace. Everyone is taken care of, everything is pretty, the Arts are abundant and the only military to speak of is mostly just used for defense of the ports. Played the game like a decade ago now and I’ve never really stopped comparing the US to that nation.

This is all anticapitalist and soooo gooood

Yeah, but crime and poverty and ignorance is so cheap and distracting. And none of that affects them.

Yes! Throwing people into our antiquated prison system only hardens their social skills and gives them a dose of PTSD..

That is not and has never been the goal of America.

Most of that I agree with.

But we can’t get kids to go to free public K-12 school, so how would they be prepared to handle college or the jobs that leads to?

Plus, the trades pay for training and education while you are an apprentice, then have very good wages.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have tried for a carpentry apprenticeship (goal: fine / finish) instead of college… which – while interesting – hasn’t helped me with employment.

We have an infrastructure that is deeply flawed with the wrong representatives who get voted into power. We need weighted voting for informed citizens. This should not be the best we can do for our own people.

For profit prisons and healthcare are two huge crimes against humanity. We fell for it like idiots.

I honestly think it’s that simple

And thus, it’ll never happen for black people because we aren’t even seen human enough to deserve happiness

Yall remember when dystopian scifi would be shit like

“Everyone is happy, gets their needs met, has freedom of self expression, and the only downside everything is run by the government”

They tried to made socialism this terrifying end of culture scenario

Now we live in half way point between the roads mad max and black mirror :v

Im so tired of waiting for someone in power to fix issues they don’t want to solve. How do we make our communities safer and eliminate poverty?

They don’t want less violence. They want free prison labor.

You lessen crime on the lower end of the income spectrum by eliminating crime at the TOP.

Stop letting businesses exploit workers, steal their labor, underpay, overwork, and thwart unions. Stop letting corporations avoid taxation, stop giving corporations tax benefits. TAX. THE. RICH. Then, take all that extra tax income and feed/house/treat/educate the poor. The top 10% of the rich are still the top 10% of the rich, but instead of owning $1T of wealth and rapidly climbing, they own $1T and its ‘only’ slowly climbing.

Please don’t forget that those with the power and ability to do these very simply things things don’t profit more when these things happen. Way better profit margins when we fight each other, etc, instead of “them”

Arm the homeless, kill CEO’s – hows that for lessening violence?

But then who will control the ignorant humans that are incapable of anything but irrational poop flinging?

The corntroll class has been brainwashed into necessity. The candy corn will not easily go back into the bag.

But then how will the god’s chosen (rich & privileged) people continue to infinitely profit?!

You *simply* do not understand! We **NEED** exploitation!!! The (rich & privileged) people, the ones that *actually* matter, MUST continue to make money.


Well, that’s a cute way to phrase it. How about Dune one now where there’s like an actual solution because that just sounds nice and it’s cute, but I’m not sure how exactly that firmly gets the outcomes that they’re talking about there. That’s just abstract and not how the world works. That’s like an idealized view of how things would work. And I hate that we don’t have good healthcare but what’s annoying is Reddit just does these like bullshit sounding but makes the person who posted it. Feel good or commenters feel good but it doesn’t fucking matter. There’s nothing in this post that literally does anything effective or meaningful at all. So you don’t like that we don’t have healthcare then look into it and figure out some sort of solution and not just cute. Sounding phrases that make you feel good.

Most domestic violence incidents stem from financial concerns.

Add better education to this

You forget one big point. Education. The education system is most of the world is HOT GARBAGE. Tech kids about psychology and mental health, tech about ethics and philosophy. Don’t teach to memorize

Yeah Come in France to see if we have lessen the crime with free healthcare, social security, free collège and university…

And we know it’s true because there are numerous modern societies that embody this.

Luigi for Mayor!

But you increase the wealth divide by employing a shit ton more cops.

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