So fucking real.

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So it turns out Elon Musk made wild promises based on zero analysis, that he had no intention of following through on?

That must be a first for him.

And when the dust settles it’ll somehow be trans people who are to blame for $10 gallons of milk.

That’s it, I’m moving to Greenland

So, hear me out. If DOGE isn’t going to work and it’s not going to find anything, tell me why we need to create it in the first place? Like, it doesn’t exist yet. Why build a new bureaucratic department that will cost a bunch of money with no gain? Isn’t that exactly what DOGE is supposed to be fixing?

You mean those two who maniacal boot licking tech savants marching around with Congress republicans all smiles behind them aren’t all that smart? I had so much faith in them

Don’t worry guys. He misspoke. He meant he’d find 2T in tax cuts

And they’ll blame whoever they want. Probably the democrats. Or Phil collins. Or David Beckham

I swear when the orange dumbass is in charge it’s like continually having to watch a live show that you can’t stand.

Government waste is really just your opponent’s legislative priorities

Remember when Trump said he would get Mexico to pay for a border wall?

Remember when Trump said he was going to lock up Hilary?

Remember when Trump said he was going to defeat ISIS?

Remember when Trump said he was going to get better trade deals with China?

Remember when Trump said he was going to replace Obama care with something better?

Trump’s second term is going to be exactly like his first. All promise, no result.

This was always the plan. Thanks, Amurica, for playing.

And in 2028 America will be tired and angry and beaten down and disillusioned and will elect a Democrat to clean it all up. And that Democrat will do an admirable job cleaning up the Republican dumpster fire, but some problems will remain and nobody will remember all the good they did and all the awful things during the Trump term so in 2032 America will vote that Democrat out again and vote in another worthless piece of human waste in a clown suit.

Show me ANYTHING these Nazis haven’t lied about.

Cutting federal spending really won’t change anything anyway.

“Tax theft” not “tax breaks”. When you rig the syatem to vaccum everything, then pay for next to nothing while ensuring youe income is unimaginable and ensuring everyone else pays the taxes and loses money with no increase in income against the corporate greed they pretend is “inflation” – it is theft.

Failed before he even started. There’s a genius for you.

Don’t forget they’re also going to sow division by blaming democrats, people of color and marginalized groups for everything.

They also are going to mine and drill without a care for people, wildlife, or the environment. The profits will be extracted by the billionaires and we the people will be left to live (and die) with the shitty consequences.

They aren’t going to lower inflation (without causing a recession).

So, Trump lied about lowering the costs of groceries and now Elon is admitting that DOGE, the equally useless and bloated agency won’t be able to find the $2T he promised to cut from the budget?

This is me shocked. Shocked I tell you. 😶

It’s going to be interesting to see 165 million people realizing they fucked around and are now finding out.

Right wingers always just straight up lie. I guess that’s populism

That’s what makes me laugh at MAGA supporters (in a sad way). They jump on the band wagon of wanting to reduce government spending. Thinking that the biggest spending is on social services which it isn’t but it should be. It’s on corporate tax breaks and bail outs.They think if we stop paying for social services that will reduce what we’re charged in taxes and it’ll trickle back down to the people as reduced taxes when in reality it’s the absolute opposite. They will cut social services- infrastructure, education, research, innovation, health programs, small business investment, drug recovery, etc; everything that makes living livable and funnel the difference upwards. There won’t be services to pay for but there will be a surplus enough to vote themselves huge raises, more riches for the top. While telling the small folk that tax dollars for the poor to eat is handouts that must end.

He lied!!! Noooooooooooooooo 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
I apologize to those who got damp from my dripping sarcasm.

Fucking duh. Who isn’t smart enough to have seen through this since day one?

Is this the democrats fault for being too efficient for the necessary cuts? lol

So the department of efficiency is only 50% efficient at best

Well,not a surprise to me. The whole shebang was a lie.

Am I being naive in hoping that it they fail to deliver on any of their promises yet again, that the people who keep voting for them will work it out? Or will they just blame it on Democrats, the liberal media, etc and insist that they need to move further to the right in order to help people?

Wait, so you’re telling me that the rich guy who makes claims about what he’s going to do, and then usually doesn’t complete or follow through on them won’t be able to find the $2 trillion to cut that he said he was going to?! I’m so fucking shocked! 😮

Can that guy fuck off already.. So tired of his bullshit


They are the waste

This is just step 2.

1 – promise huge cuts.

2 – start waffling and saying the cuts won’t be that huge so they can tell people that they never really promised it.

3 – start doing the real work they were set up for, looking through the government might have that the robber barons really want.

4 – “sell” those things to the robber barons for a song.


The Department Of Grabbing Everything

America is doomed.

French revolution?

You mean to tell me they lied?

They didn’t find enough people who disagree with them to fire? That’s scary in a way, cuz that mean the gov is chock full of yesmen I guess.

Are you surprised by what we all saw coming?

It’s going to be such a funny day when someone Luigi’s him.

F, and I mean to say *F*TG

On the plus side in just 10 days the way in Ukraine will be over though!

The only “waste” from the right wing perspective is entitlements, which (SURPRISE!) are the only things you can cut 2 trillion out of.

Given the voting demographics, I’m having trouble caring, to be honest. We can balance the budget in a second by eliminating Social Security (which is what they want), and I’m of a generation that was told we’d never get it, and I’m an orphan, so…Go for it.

I voted for the people who wanted to keep it. That’s all I could have done.

Conservatives played themselves, but at least they pwned the libs. Sigh.

Whenever Republicans talk about “wasteful spending”, what they mean is any government spending that doesn’t benefit them.

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