So The School Shooter Today Was A 2009 Born Gen Zer…Why The Hell Does A 15 Year Have Access To A Gun?

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Looking at her online post, she was deeply ill in the brain. She was practicing killing people…practicing taking her own life…as if it’s a game. Why Is a 14/15 year old this demented? What happened between the ages of 10-15 to make such an evil child do such a thing.

Social media has destroyed the youth of this country. The damage on the brains of our children is irreversible.

“Why the hell does a 15 year old have access to a gun?”

I was shooting at 12. I had my own rifle when I was 14. I think you underestimate how many kids own and use guns responsibly

I will get hate for this. But the US is a hyper capitalist country. And I think this is a big reason why there’s such a huge mental health crisis. A late stage capitalist country like the US leads to many Americans leading a meaningless, alienated, depressed life. Unregulated capitalism is the core problem imo

Irresponsible parents ?

Samanthas manifesto states she got the weapons by lying to her dad basically. She was realllllllllllllllly into neo nazis too.

Considering her age it was 100% illegally obtained.

A school shooter younger than me seems surreal to me

Average kmfdm fan

Pretty shocked that it’s a 15 year old girl. Definitely has to be very mentally ill because this is highly unusual

Statistically, 13 of Americans have **as much access** to a gun, similar to the amount of **3 year olds** access to kitchen **knife**. “It’s there, do you know what it is? Can you reach it?”

Edit: wow I screwed that wording up… Fixed

Damn new femcel dropped

Two thousand fucking nine?

Looks like she specifically wanted to kill men in her manifesto. Including children and elderly

I’d tell you the real answer, but you’d think I was joking. And I’d probably be… well anyway. Cuz reasons I guess. America is very sick and needs communal healing desperately.

Easy. Dumb parents

maybe its getting worse because younger generations can see there is no hope for the future.

What a loser ass kid. If hell is real I hope she never escapes

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Apparently they edited her picture to make her look more masculine to pretend that she is Trans, they’re trying to claim it’s a trans individual who shot up a Christian school. Please be careful of these far right lunatics.

She was a cisgender, straight neo Nazi woman.

“The School Shooter Today”

So, so, so dystopian

Just saying in the UK, she wouldn’t have been able to own a weapon in the first place.

My sister is the same age as her.

Just as an FYI, I read elsewhere that the boyfriend confirmed this pic was photoshopped. Not sure which is true, but just so you can keep your head on a swivel.

Sadly, it looks like the USA thinks of guns as toys and not as tools made to kill. In my country, and other countries I’ve lived in, if you own a gun in your house, you have to put it in a safe box. It’s insane that a kid can have access to weapons.

KMFDM shirt. Interesting. I suspect that’s a nod to the Columbine school shooters. And so it goes.

This is why kids shouldn’t have unregulated internet access.

The bigger question is why in the fuck would a child like this want to brutally murder people.

I don’t think I will ever understand that mentality.

Idiot parents letting a mentally disturbed teenager own a gun, most likely.

2 things:

#1, we need to start prosecuting the parents who fail to secure their firearms in a safe place away from their kids.

#2, we need to make it illegal for children (people under the age of 18) to have unrestricted access to social media. Australia recently did this.

>Why The Hell Does A 15 Year Have Access To A Gun?


I love living in the only country ever where I immediately think to myself “Which one?” or “Another one?!”

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