So uh, my new sheets have pockets

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“Thanks, it has pockets!”

Unironically that seems so useful, where did you get this

Cell phone storage

For those late night handfuls of Cheetos and Mike and Ikeโ€™s, my dude.

I brought my sister in my room to ask her if she liked my sheets just so I could say “Thanks, it has pockets”

Those sheets have better pockets than my women’s Levi’s. I can fit a tampon in a sheet pocket but not in my jeans. Wtf



I love that. I’d definitely put some chapstick in there.

Everything has pockets except women’s clothes, strange way we live lol

Pepper spray holder to fight your sleep paralysis demon

Literally got new sheets that didnโ€™t have pockets and I literally sewed pockets onto it. I canโ€™t live without them. Thereโ€™s no going back. Pockets for life. Where would I put things without them


So a fitted sheet can get pockets that are useful, but not my jeans, blazer, or trouser. Let alone a dress. I could fit 3 phones in that pocket.

perfect for used condoms

Ear buds.

You put your weed in there.

The way i gasped upon seeing this!
Such a delight

Those pockets are for remote controls. Beds in Europe (perhaps in other places too) can be purchased with an โ€˜elevation mechanismโ€™ the remote controls for that goes in that pocket. That remote can be used to control the shape of the sleeping surface.

Deep pockets sheets exist, confirmed

That’s brilliant. Some place to put eye drops. I’m always feeling all over my bedside table in the dark for those and invariably end up knocking them on the bloody floor.

Just wait till the day you sit up in a pivot motion and get one of them toes or feet in there and got face first down to the floor.. donโ€™t ask me how I know this lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I got sheets that have those too. Great for your tv remote or your phone. Iโ€™ve also put my glasses in there. Surprised it isnโ€™t more common


No, not you. Iโ€™m talking to your bed.


Women’s pants could never

Small pistol perhaps?

What the sheet! That’s awesome

Knife pocket! Stab stab

Lots of people have these now, the pockets are for your cell phone.

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