So… what ever happened to releasing the Epstein list?

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Knew it was all a bunch of bullshit. 

Thanks MAGA

You just don’t get it, do ya

I can’t believe that an unredacted copy hasn’t been leaked yet.

“It’s a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY!!!”

If it were actually that, Trump would have already sold it. Also, the videos didn’t capture Trump’s ‘good side’ and the lighting was terrible.

Maybe it’s because anyone they have attempted to approach and name publicly has overwhelming evidence that Trump was there too. Can’t nail anyone without implicating Trump

Also, you can’t just add Hunter Biden or someone else to a private island flight passenger list without making sure they weren’t obviously somewhere else at the same time.

oh we were actually expecting that to happen?

“Donald Trump”
“Mr. X”.

The “Epstein flight logs” were released years ago, with some light redactions.

Of course, it would be pathetic to mention this without giving a link to it, so [here you go](

But there’s always supposedly *more*, with “more” being very poorly defined.

The juicy “Epstein list” that people are eager for likely doesn’t exist at all, just a rather banal list of people that Epstein was in contact with as a wealthy well connected person.

People seem to assume there’s something akin to a pimp’s client list, but merely being associated with Epstein doesn’t really tell us anything useful, meeting the guy a couple of times at events in Hollywood or Washington doesn’t mean you’d have any knowledge of his sex life or crimes.

Dude was rich and lived on a private island after all, it would be trivial to make sure that mainstream celebrities never encounter anything suspicious

Epstein docs and a health care plan will come in one package. /s


Sometimes I wonder if End Wokeness knows they’re a part of the script, or they’re genuinely that dumb

Can’t release them – they’re being ***audited***

“Redacted” = Protecting the King. Fucking bullshit! Corruption of the highest order.

My thoughts exactly. Funny (not) how Homan and Bondi were appointed, couldn’t shut up about stuff for weeks then, suddenly radio silence.

First term, Trump just fired all his bad appointees, now he sends them to Elba to await him.

Don’t forget the JFK files. I don’t suppose that sure fire bomb shell released yet?

Oh hey, it’s that guy that’s gonna cost us an election, if we ever hold one again.

It’s cute that you think his name is the only one being wiped

Looking forward to the documents being released with flight logs and stuff indicating that people Trump does not like were making frequent visits, at times which publicly available and easily verifiable information shows they were very definitely somewhere else (but Trump himself has no such alibi for the same time.)

Everybody just needs to relax and wait a while, these books are lean and tough, they’re going to take a long time to cook.

They released in redacted form only the parts people already had readily available unredacted for years

The words ‘national security’ and ‘epstein list’ in the same sentence should tell you all you need to know.

It will never be released by any presidency, whether left or right. Administrations won’t risk death threats or wrath of the elite, which includes death threats. We will never know the billionaires and millionaires that hurt children on that island. The oligarchal globalists OWN the corporation Of America.  I don’t careoif you’re from the purple polka dotted political party…

I can see the trump DOJ going through the list and making some solicitation calls. “So, we found your name in the Epstein files. How much would its redaction be worth to you? … No, do better than that. … Better. … Okay, that would be acceptable. Please purchase an equivalent amount of trump coin and once we confirm the transfer to your digital wallet we’ll see you’re scrubbed from these reports.”

And probably blackmailing other names on it.

Those were probably all the boxes of papers he took home to Florida last weekend.

They finally did release it and it still had Doneold’s name on it Twice!

Idk, it feels like a failure on both sides of the government that we don’t have it and it’s been turned into a sensationalized media tool for engagement like it has

Pam bondi’s Google history:

How to edit a pdf

How to turn a pdf into a word document, free

Can someone erase a redaction on a pdf?

Some of those binders were probably all trump chapters

CTR-F “trump”

Find and a replace and they missed one single *Tump*

He ordered investigation and suspended the government lawyers that protected Golaine Maxwell.

National security because Agent Krasnov is behind it all.

Do you really believe Bleach Blondi would tell the truth about anything? She’s part of the trumpreich.

currently a matter of national security to protect pedophiles.

Pretty apt for the Trump Admin.

David Hogg would rather focus on a couple of New York City photos in which Trump posed with a creep than the twenty something flights Clinton took on the creep’s jet to the creep’s island of illicit sex.

Amidst the doge cuts is also the black sharpie budget.

r/Conservative seems to have forgotten all about this.

I’ll say it again,

There’s a reason it’s FINALLY being released.

Under this administration.

I love that Republicans think democrats care if any of our politicians are on there. Like naw, unlike yall, I think all pedophiles and sexual assailants should be thrown in jail regardless of political affiliation.

There will be both D and R represented when they are finally released. Democrats and Redacted.

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