So who did it?

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Epic rap battles of historyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

Yeah, but one of them did it for money, so that’s ok.

I don’t know, which is more insidious? Overt violence, or the promise to help people while robbing them blind and leaving them destitute and in pain?

The guy who killed more was a multimillionaire, while the other guy spent the last 10 years of his life hiding in caves. There’s a lesson here.



Brian Thompson is the real Killer.


Ask someone in r/theydidthemath

Alt title: who profited off Americans more?

That’s not even a contest, Brian’s yearly kill count is probably higher than Osama’s lifetime

It’s not even close.

Oh man. This is brutal. 🤣

Okay, this on is easy. It’s the block-shaped, soulless, dead-eyed one who never had to explain his actions. He didn’t have to because capitalist murder by corporate board is an accepted norm in the U.S.

Love to see this comparison continuing to gain traction.


Considering the health crisis for rescue workers and others after 9/11 the top K/D still belongs to Brian.

It doesn’t matter. They are both resulting from the U.S. political system. Until you fix the root of the problem, it will just keep replicating. The results of the last election have made it abundantly clear that the populace is not interested in that. So, the weeping and gnashing of teeth after Brian Thompson’s death now is laughably absurd. The American public loves people like Thompson. They just made one President.


McDonalds Did

All that money and he still stuck with rodent teeth

And which one has better looking teeth?

It is indeed … ironic? sad? I don’t know… that “the world” is celebrating the fall of the Asaad regime. Meanwhile they lament this freaking guy that has way more blood on his hand. Some might say the torture is different, but there is a certain torture to knowing that you or your loved one would have simply received the necessary medical treatment FOR FREE if you were not under the thumb of corporate america. Certainly not the same, but… jeez Brian, did you really have to kill all those people so your son could have a PS5 Pro?

Eat the rich

Here’s another question: Who is killing people right now? The exact same way Brian did?

To be fair.. Bin Laden was retaliating

One killed healthy Americans, the other killed unhealthy Americans. I think Vegas would call this a push.


Mom’s spaghetti, oh snap, there goes gravity.

Healthcare just a little bit sweaty, all industries now sweating inexorable reality.

Taken down by Seal Team Sexy

it’s probably not even close, is it?

This should be a gif and the left side should be rotating through all the insurance ceos.

the scary looking man on the left.

We chopped osamas head off and celebrated

Shoot CEO and the police force of one of the largest, densest cities hunt the shooter down like they was the navy seals

Luigi, what an idiot. Couldve terrorized CEO’s from the shadows but now the CEO’s going to terrorize him.

I’ve never seen someone look so much like a weasely chipmunk before in my life!

Which one is more of a terrorist to Americans?


Probably then it’s the McDonald’s CEO if there is a count

Technically George Bush but Brian’s a close second.

“Youhavegamesonyaphone” versus “I do not like infidelity”.

At least Osama believed he was doing it for his people.. the CEO just did it for money

Now add a pic of a GOP elephant

So both are chilling with 70 virgins right now.

Bin Laden wasn’t involved in 9/11 fyi


Still waiting for that evidence of denied United claims resulting in death. Lots of people claiming “millions.” Zero proven. Many such cases with left wing echo chamber talking points. Sad how confidently wrong the alphabet party is on every argument!

Thompson, but the US deserved 9/11.

Is there like a “worst unnecessary take” contest going on? Damn.

Classic edgy teenager post

Why do I get downvoted when I ask for evidence of a single claim that was wrongfully denied that lead to death?

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