Soaked a shower head in white vinegar for months, the vinegar turned sparkly and blue

By Zoeiy
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Copper acetate? Is there usually copper in shower heads?

I’m thinking the sparkles might be the chrome stripped off the head. I’ve definitely had blue streaks from strong descaler interacting with limescale before, although I’ve never known why.

Months you say?

Walter White would like a word with you.

What’s it taste like tho? It looks like blue raspberry

Looks like the white vinegar and copper reacted, you can read more about it here or google it.

Google term: White vinegar and copper blue reaction

..does this mean you didn’t shower for months?

So…. Is it clean yet?



This is the vinegar of a killer, Bella

Did this techinque yield results i.e. the shower head eventually gave you the name or code it was withholding. Asking for science

Why months though?

Months?! Why?

You’re supposed to soak it like 10-30 min

Congrats, you managed to drown a perfectly good shower head.

You dissolved or etched some of your copper alloy shower head.

That’s how they make Gatorade


Mountain dew new wild flavor.

Forbidden Fanta



If you drink it it’ll be blue raspberry flavored.

Forbidden Baja blast

I think you’ve inadvertently made a nice solution for electroplating something.

Obviously a blue sparkle fairy lived there temporarily ( I have no idea )

Congratulations, it’s a boy!

Well, it looks like you’ve successfully stripped the chrome off the copper substrate, so let’s guess you have some kind of copper/chromium oxide left over. I’m no chemist, but I don’t think the detail is exactly important in this particular instance.

What on earth possessed you to dip a metal in acid & leave it there?

The sparkles are delaminated chrome plating, the blue comes from the Copper base metal.

Oxidized metal (either copper or brass) from the showerhead itself. It was corroded by the acid in the vinegar

It looks like the vinegar has either dissolved some compounds of the alloy or even reacted with them. Most likely it is a mix of some Copper and chrome salts

Whatever that exactly is this is certainly very unhealthy and most likely very toxic and carcinogenic!

Especially if it is chrome (very likely imo) this can be pretty dangerous because chromates are very carcinogenic and toxic!

So I really recommend you to not open it up. And do not use that show head ever again! Throw that whole bag out immediately and everything that has come in contact with that chemicals (or clean it thoroughly if not possible)

Also wash your hands very thoroughly

Weird flecks but ok.

Looks very much like a chrome salt that was dissolved out of the chrome finnish by the vinegar

That stuff is usually very toxic and carcinogenic, so be careful!!!

Looks like orbeez (water beads) in water. You can see the outlines of circles even.

Y tho?

Looks like the “chrome” plating came off and mixed in for the sparkle. Look at the top of the head for the bubbled up plating as well as the bottom of yhe head.

It’s sentient now

Does it mean you haven’t took a shower for months?!😳

I’ve never wanted to drink something so inedible before

blueberry soda 🥰

Copper juice

Why months? Your dissolving the metal now.

You can unscrew them and use a needle to poke through the holes and clean it out.

The base metal is dissolving in the Vinegar and the plating is flaking off.

Copper acetate.

That shower head is now done for.

If you’re trying to descale, use citric acid, it doesn’t dissolve copper the way acetic acid does. And it dissolves calcium way faster.

Vinegar is somewhat acidic. I think you have etched the metal, took of a layer. Next, run some baking soda and water to stop the reaction.

Shower Vinaigrette


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