Soldier lost her ear so the doctors grew her a new one in her forearm

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This happened to my friend about 20 yrs ago except they put his ear in his abdomen so we would shout at his belly when he couldn’t hear us, lol.

Must be a bitch to get your glasses to sit straight if you’ve gotta keep holding ya arm in the air every time you wear them

This article has some details on the how and why

This is super cool but also grosses me out

What good is an ear on the forearm? They’re suppose to be on your head.

This is pretty cool and a part of medical science they have been doing with traumatic head injuries for soldiers for quite some time. Also, imbedding mangled hands in stomachs to grow new tissue. It’s insane but also insanely interesting!! But this is the first ear in a forearm I have seen. 👂💪

wdym grew one from her forearm, where did they get the seeds from


Van Gogh would have been so happy

They cut a new eyelid from my friends arm, from that softer inner skin on her upper arm.

She still expresses disappointment over it because the other option was making an eyelid from her ass supposedly

This is more in the realm of r/wtf

I didn’t catch that could you say it again but towards my arm this time

I’ve seen them do this with noses and other ‘nonmoving’ body parts. Really neat!

An eye on the arm would be way way cooler.

He will be able to listen to his elbow. Nice!

An earm.

Wait til you see the dude who grew a weiner on his forearm.

Talk about a hands-on approach to surgery! I guess that’s what you call ear-resistible innovation…😂


Absolute bonkers. Is there a link?

Hey Trump just magically grew his back.

Can they do that for my foreskin?




Can I see the source? This is fascinating.

I’d love to have one of those on my calf

I’m going to need more pics of this process.

So, everyone has a unique “ear print”… I wonder if this one matches her old one?

If I sand off my fingerprints, they come back the same.

Open your mind..

Wow I am totally amazed.



I hear you



I had done but on the palm of my hand.


What’s next?! Where this ends?! Before we know, some genius will come up with idea of growing large replacement penises under patient arm’s skin. That will be the racket!

Mr. Garrison knew about this years ago…

Probably would have been more useful on her head.

What if the dick got lost?

Now that’s what you call pionearing surgery!

So that’s how you can touch your elbow to your ear

Outer ear

That doesn’t sound right…



Can you hear me now!

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