Some Tea on Elon Musk

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Beware a man with a weird dick.

Least shocking gossip in history

I’ve always thought he has small dick energy.

Could explain why he’s so fond of IVF.

More gender affirming care for Elon

Zero surprise. If it’s botched what would that mean? Does he struggle to get it up then?


Maybe he’d benefit from some gender affirming care! Before his friends make it illegal!

But it’s big in the MAGA sense

Musk got a botched mushroom dick like his wife Trump.

In an interview with Elno’s father, the interviewer asks the man about his having had children with his own step-daughter. The man says “these things happen.” The interviewer asks the man if he discussed the situation with his son Elno. The man says “Oh No. my son has a lot of problems with women.”

Didn’t Johnny Depp say something similar? “But she sucked Mollusk’s crooked dick”

This literally explains absolutely everything about him. He’s got a micropenis.

Pics or it didn’t happen. 

This would actually explain a lot.

He is the living definition of small dick energy


The way this tracks, I can believe it.

Roboguy ✅Robocock ✅Robosoul ✅

I mean, it’s Azealia Banks, so no one is going to believe it, but if it were true, I’m sure she’s breaking some sort of NDA she signed. Surely he has his partners sign NDAs.


Left X a month ago . He’s horrible .

That tracks

No wonder he’s so dependent on stroking his ego

Yeah i mean isnt it obvious? Look at his head

I could see it

Didn’t know you could get an implant there ngl

That would explain a helluva lot!

Limp dicks flock together. This explains a lot. Dump can’t see his and Elmo’s doesn’t even work.

So much small dick energy running our country.

You’ve only got to look at the rest of him and you k ow all his shit is fucked up.

I would just replace it with a false dick made out of solid gold if i were elon

I believe it

This explains a lot

That’s what people are saying.

Grosssssss 🤢 

This whole world has to burn because Elon is sensitive about his dick

The doctors talking about the surgery:



Apparently, Elon only pays $2,760 in child support for his 3 kids with Grimes because child support is capped in Texas. It’s the reason why he is fighting to keep his custody battle with her in Texas.

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It’s why all his children were conceived by IVF. Elmo’s dick don’t work no more

I’m not saying I’m experiencing a tremendous feeling of schadenfreude, but I’m experiencing a tremendous feeling of schadenfreude.

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