Someone brought their well behaved cat to IKEA

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(available in black, white, marble)

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Just like my cat!

Handsome cat (although why would you take your cat to a store to go shopping?)

We have a big outdoor music venue/restaurant here on the river. I was there for a show and when I was in the back taking a break I started talking to this girl and she mentioned her cat. She drags me over to her table and her mom has a cat in her purse. The cat is totally just chilling, no fear, no anxiety. It was utterly surreal!

IKEA is one thing, but please don’t bring your pets into grocery stores. It violates most local health codes. The only animals allowed are service dogs and service mini-horses. Please also don’t pretend your dog is a service dog.

Sincerely, someone who’s had to clean up after people’s pets pooping in a grocery store

Adorable. Allergies to cats suck though and I would have a hard time justifying me doing this

This is just a word of caution to anyone who is allergic to cats. Never ever travel to Istanbul. The cats are allowed everywhere throughout the city and the people take care of them. When I was in Amsterdam a shop owner shooed a man out of the conveinence store for complaining about the cat. Shop owner said it was the cats store. Other countries will have people that get crazy if cats and dogs are not welcomed and loved. I saw this throughout Europe. Dogs were welcomed in restaurants including Michelin ones and offered their own menu and wines(pawseco)

Adventure cat!

Cats who are comfortable getting into cars are very happy cats. My little SIL has such a cat. She even has a people name. She goes on walks and is generally a dog except is a cat. 

I’m allergic as hell to cats. I would probably be an asshole.

Looks like my girl 🥰
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Maybe the cat likes the meatballs! 😁

Good kitty

This cat has such a kind face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

I’m usually against this newish trend of people bringing non-service animals into stores, particularly grocery stores… But this one I wouldn’t be able to not smile.

Omg adorable 🥰

Feline approval is required before purchase.

Wtf is wrong with people? I would never bring my cat into a public place.

That’s a queen

This cat has trained it’s human well.

Cute 🥰![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

Oh my. What a cutie.


Too cute

hate animals in a store

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I got one with stripes too

Tell them I say pspsps

To be fair. That cat looks like it’s both wearing a harness and that harness is clipped into the cart (similar to the pet seatbelts used when transporting animals in a car or on a bike). Even if he didn’t want to behave he wouldn’t get very far.

no. this is not ok.

Leave your goddamn pets at home. You will survive being apart from them for a few hours. JFC.

Don’t bring your pets to stores!

But also: omg so cute wanna snuggle

Norway has their Forest Cats.

Sweden has their Affordably Priced Home Goods, and Furnishings Store Cats.

Thanks. I am allergic to cats

I wish this cutie would sit at the till and ask “Payment by card or cash? Meow”

leave that at home


Forget flatpacks, this cat’s the best thing IKEA’s offering today 🛒😻✨

So adorable 💕

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