Someone to Love [OC]

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I think a lot of people on the internet might feel personally attacked by this joke.

I looked in the mirror and knew what I was working with.

Post this to r/tinder and see the hate flow

A guy I’m no longer friends with lamented that he was single but thought any woman over a size 6 was fat. He’d say “I can’t help what I find attractive.” And “I deserve someone that is working on themselves,” and try to frame is as a health thing.

Then immediately bitch that women were shallow for not accepting that he’s balding at 28. Or whine that he’s single because he didn’t have six pack abs. I suggested he look into hair restoration…

“I deserve someone that loves me like I am.”

Then what he really meant was “**I wish that someone, that I was attracted to, would also find me attractiv**e”, which can be a real problem for some.

I doesn’t matter if you have a ton of people who wants to date you if they aren’t part of the group of people that you want to date.

Iโ€™ve been on both sides of this and idk itโ€™s just rough out there, no one in this scenario leaves feeling good

Took me a long time to figure out that when you do this you’re not really looking for love. You’re looking for status to flaunt at other people.

He is talking a lot for someone with a foot for a head

The Nice Guyโ„ข creed

beggars can’t be choosers though

This one goes out to a certain population on the internet

I wish someone would love me, but anyone who would must have something wrong with them

As I get older I realize I care less about looks and more about personality.

We’ve commodified intimacy and we’re the most entitled consumers to ever walk the face of the earth. So the men who already never saw women as people now have this notion that they should be able to get the exact make and model of Female at their convenience.

Bro I’m just lonely

The โ€œmale loneliness epidemicโ€ summed up neatly in one comic lol

this is also always said by a guy with C looks too.

I hear a lot of words of support like โ€œdonโ€™t listen to what other people sayโ€ but not a lot of action. If yโ€™all so kind, go on โ€” jump on the grenade! ๐Ÿคฃ

Well damn ..

Ngl atp i don’t even care



Everybody ages and decays.. looks are temporary, genuine caring and love are eternal.

I would be fine with any girl loving me. But they must be able to walk by themself because i ain’t dating no Gorlock the destroyer.

It’s not always true. I’m a gay guy and for a while I was ripped with a six pack and during that time not even chubbier dudes wanted to date me, only have casual sex. I’ve let myself go now because being ripped for years never helped with finding someone to love me, only with people manipulating me to have sex with them. I wish I could have someone, anyone, hot or not. Especially someone with shared interests.

But seeing as I’ve been single 8 years, I don’t have much hope anymore.

I would and have always given a chance to any woman that’s interested in me lol, no matter what she looks like physically.

Just had this happen to me (as the guy)

I think it is valid. You don’t want to have a relationship with someone you are not attracted to.

Hot might be a bit much, but attractive to me is the base line.

This bit really doesn’t work with a male protagonist because most men aren’t that picky and “hot” is extremely subjective for men unlike women I have never met a man who has a standard type if every man was dreaming and holding out for models there would be significantly more willfully single men lol

We also don’t have women approaching us offering to do anything as a man you make the first move or nothing happens

Flip the script and this comic works flawlessly average woman dreams of dreamy guy is approached by an average dude and rejects him for being average happens daily across the planet when you can have anyone you want why would a woman settle for less then her fantasy

Basically porn, sexual and violent media, video games that make you a fantasy hero..

This stuff inflates ego, super charges sexual craving, and sends our standards through the roof

Makes a normal decent person into the most miserable terminally lonely insufferable perv to an unprecedented extreme..

pretty is dangerous

I understand it and I feel like I also do this. For shame ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Ouch, didnโ€™t need that today,



lol charge it to the game

Oh look itโ€™s my ex boyfriend

Nah fam, even if he looks like a girl, let’s GOOO

Never heard a single guy complain about attention

Basically the plot of The Substance.

It actually works a bit different than this, most of the time. The second two squares are where they go on one date and then she changes her mind and you never see her again.

Didn’t Peanuts do this joke in the 1960s?

Remember, if you don’t take care of your appearance (mostly by staying relatively fit), whoever you end up with almost definitely settled for you. People fantasize about Brad Pitt, not Kevin James.


Everyone should use that app to see what they’d look like as the opposite sex. Then ask yourself if you’re looking for someone in your league.

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