Something special is happening!

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better late than never but we’ve sadly learned crowds don’t translate to votes

So much negativity! Glad to see some things don’t change. I’m gonna take an example from Bernie and keep pushing past the negativity and change the world for the better

15k people in Phoenix, too!

8 years too late, but yeah it’s happening. Hopefully you’re not so far gone it can’t make a difference

Something special happened with the Harris/Walz ticket, but we wound up with Vonschitzinpants and his goons. It’s not really encouraging.

I was there for Obama in 2008! I don’t live in Colorado anymore but this is just beautiful to see!

More than at Trumps inauguration.

It’s nice to see a lot of people out, I don’t want to minimize this but what purpose do these rallies serve? It is too galvanize people to vote in the next election or is there something that can legally be done to stop the shift to autocracy?

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Yeah this means nothing

Need more of this

Your democracy is not under attack. That’s what people say when things don’t go their way. That’s what democracy is.

Unfortunately it’s a bit too late for that. But ya’ll have a good rally. Maybe do some fun chants or hold up some signs or something.

This means nothing. Coming from someone who desperately wants things to change. But rallies ain’t shit if you don’t vote and tell all your friends and families to get fucked if they don’t vote either.

I like the idea, but those with authority to hold people with power accountable have not been fulfilling their jobs. How are protests helping? Voting bad politicians out won’t work – too many people either don’t vote or are poorly informed (read: brainwashed). Plus we have been told by the guy (who asserted that he is now president again because “they” rigged the vote in his favor) that we won’t need to ever vote again.

Regular citizens need to step up, and assert their sovereign authority.

Shame the democrat party isn’t interested in standing with working people. Where was all this pandering during the election. Aoc Bernie trump Biden Obama. All more of the same.

Ok, so where were all these people on Election Day?

The circus continues

Oh look, an oligarch is going to fight another oligarch. Rightttttt. The dude that’s so “anti war” then begged Lockheed Martin to come to his state. Both sides are cooked

Won’t change a thing as Dems don’t even have an agreed-upon strategy to deal with the orange bully.

Compare how long democrats have been saying democracy is under attack to rights that you’ve lost (I’ll give you a hint, you’ve lost no rights)

That is clearly not 34k people 😂 Thats maybe 2k

This. This right here is our best shot. Show up and support the only dems doing their jobs. Don’t be complacent, we have power in numbers.

I get the excitement, but this crowd is full of people who already voted blue. If this was in a red city, that would be something, but in Denver, it is not changing anything. Looks like they had fun, though, and downtown Dwnver is fun, go Broncos.

Awesome crowd. How does this stop Musk and company???

This does nothing.

This sub is now political propaganda. No smiles here

I’d love to know the number of people at this rally that didn’t even vote last November. I bet it’s greater than zero. And yes, sometimes it can be too late.

Nothing is happening nor is it gonna happen. This goes to both sides of the culture shit fling contest.

Need more than these two to hold rallies.

Too bad the DNC is useless.

Working people, how funny!!

I was there! There were more people outside the park listening in cause the lines were so long. Some people climbed trees. It was pretty cool!

More useless but comically entertaining rallies!! Free entertainment!🤣


I see all these rallies from our neighbours down south. How can they translate this into something tangible. Like great you all got together but your government is at this moment looking pretty authoritarian.

Bernie is a sell out taking money from big pharma!

They came to see Bernie not AOC

Man, please stop flooding this sub with US politics. It’s really not the right place.

Not good enough

Sadly our options moving forward are extreme left or extreme right. There are no middle ground politicians anymore.

Where’s the pic of AOCS APC

Lets be honest the Democratic party is just gonna throw bernie under the bus again

Hilarious the idiots who think those two would be good for this country 😂


Doesn’t mean shit until we see republicans do it…

Please keep politics out of this sub !

I’ll make a note that my elected officials are hopeful due to rallies when I’m getting deported even though I have a green card

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