Something’s not adding up here

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Maybe he didn’t have a close relationship with his kids. Not everything is a conspiracy.

We don’t know what happened with the family for real. I’ve seen situations where a remarried father has a wife that cuts off the kids from a previous marriage.

Very sad.. But that type of shit happens everywhere

If my dad passed, the news would have to go through multiple channels before it got to me. This isn’t so implausible.

“Hackman and Arakawa, who met in the 1980s and married in 1991, had become notoriously private and insular and it was not uncommon for them to go long stretches without speaking to friends and family – so no alarm bells were raised by their lack of contact in the time after they died.”

If you’ve ever worked at an assisted living home, you’ll see the difference between the people whose kids come visit and those who were just dumped there until the facility calls family members to clean out their late mom or dad’s room.

I don’t think it’s weird. His wife was 30 years younger than him. No one thought she was at risk of dying. People go weeks without talking to family sometimes

Might have been estranged from his kids. Couldn’t be me but everyone’s relationship with their parents isn’t good :/

Tbf we’re not even sure what his relationship is with his kids or if they even live in the same city or state. People gotta remember that not everyone has good relationships with their parents.

Not saying you can’t be suspicious but at the very least wait for more information before making any assumptions.

Should be a wake up call to all these maga freaks whose kids won’t talk to them.

Idk it would be one thing if you knew he was by himself or if was with a spouse of equal age. His wife was well within care taker age that would give kids peace of mind. Crazy tragedy and set of events.

It wouldn’t be anything at all to not hear from your grown parents for a week.

This is a goofy, attention seeking take.

And another week passed before the neighbors called the cops to check on them

This is one I’ve tried not to overthink. His wife was probably his caregiver, and she was also 30yrs younger than him. Given what I’ve seen Alzheimer and dementia do to people and the grief it causes on those around them…sometimes people just need a break. I’m not judging anyone for how they handled not seeing him or doing whatever they needed to get their own mental wellbeing in order. It was a sad situation all around.

His kids are the same age as his wife.

I haven’t spoken to my dad in YEARS and have no idea where he lives, what he’s been up too etc.
. Not everyone is going to have the best relationship with their parents.

If he was 95 maybe his kids need someone checking in on *them*.

In the great debate of childfree by choice, this is exactly why people saying ” but who will care for you when you get old ” is just a bunch of bullshit. Kids are not a plan.

Yall do know people live in different states/ countries right?
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Not unusual for adults to go a few weeks without talking with various parents / family… not everyone has a tight relationship like that

I saw a comment that said what if he saw the wife dead and went to call the police but forgot the number or went in to other room and forgot until he came back in the room 😳 and kept doing it for days😐

i think my dads still alive. idk

He was 95 with alzheimer’s. Even if he had a great relationship with his kids at some point it’s entirely possible to not have much of one now.

guys, there’s a weird european thing when old people become absolute assholes due to any number of reasons.

_waves around at everything_, you hvent noticed some weird shit happening with old people lately?

Assumptions . I didnt even realize gene had kids. You assume he treated them well. And they loved him back. Do we know that? You assume they dont have medicals conditions of their own and are alive. Do we know that. His kids could be after his money .Did he even have money?

Only thing I can think of, in their defence is maybe they were relatively close to the wife, who was in good health (virus aside), so if she didn’t alert them of any issues, maybe they saw no reason to worry.

Unless you live with your parents it’s totally normal to not keep up with them on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis and that’s just assuming you still have a good relationship with them.

Historically, famous actor types haven’t made the best parents. Might could be they haven’t spoken to the old man since the 70’s.

He said long ago he didn’t have a good relationship with his kids. There’s no conspiracy here.

People can be so ghoulishly self-important when it comes to celebrity deaths. As if Hackman’s kids’ relationship with him (or lack thereof) is any of their business.

I wonder how soon they’ll be fighting over his estate.

There are lots of children that have divorced themselves from their parents and it’s usually not a first resort, but they do it for themselves. And they should! It’s much more likely that he and his kids aren’t close, rather than his kids are just assholes.

Gene was largely out filming on location when his kids were growing up and was only sporatically involved in their daily life. His wife was the same age as his kids, so they probably didn’t have a lot of reason to be checking on him that regularly.

Some people want nothing to do with their parents and they have valid reasons for feeling that way.

Need to call my dad.. good reminder.

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