Sometimes, family finds you.

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So glad for the update on your family, Zak!

My “practice kid”, my cousin’s kid, who I helped raise, till we had kids…
Is now a foster mom. I’m old enough to be a grandparent, but my kids don’t have any kids.
Anyway, Thanksgiving, she brings this little four year old over. We played and played. When it was time to go, he ran to me and put his arms up. I picked him up and instinctually began to rock and hum with his head on my shoulder. He started to fall asleep .
She had to peel ME away from him.

I don’t know how foster parents handle those babies possibly being taken away at any moment.

r/mademecry is more like it. I know how heartbreaking being a foster parent can be, but we need more decent families to step up. Foster parents also need much more support then they currently get.

I hope these children can continue to live with these wonderful foster parents.

What a beautiful family! Bless you!❤️

They are so cute and deserve the love you’ve shown each other

Oh damn! You made me cry! 🥹

In case anyone is curious (I didn’t know this until last week), “respite” in foster jargon is when you take kids in for a defined period period, perhaps a long weekend or two weeks, because their regular housing situation (typically another foster family) isn’t available.

I was taken from my bio home and placed into state care around the age of 13. The group homes were terrifying. My forever home came about when I was 15. They let me sleep on the same floor (vs a cot in a basement) as the family. They bought me clothes so I would fit in at school. They were joyous when I asked if I could sign up for school sports. When you turn 18, even if you are still in high school, you are kicked out of the system and homeless. My forever family said I could stay. I was their first foster kid and they had so many over the years. It’s been 30 years and I was adopted as an adult (bio parents rights terminated was a whole nightmare ordeal making it impossible to adopt me as a child). Because of their attention and love I went on to graduate high school, college, had a very successful career in corporate America and have run my own business for 15 years. They got me the counseling and medicine I needed.

Omg 💔 that made me so sad but so happy they found you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Crying at work. I’m customer-facing. Help me

Plez łuve me

I want to read stories like this one every single day. Find happiness, and love and share it with people I care about.

Thank you for this, you are such an amazing family!


I got tears in my eyes after reading this much loved family

Thank you for loving them. Both of my parents were orphans who had a tough time in and out of group homes, and it affected them for life. This is every orphan’s dream. Everyone just wants to be loved at the end of the day. Y’all are true angels fr.

This has been around for a while, but still very glad they found a family. Can’t imagine how wonderful things must be for these children now.

How f*cked are we as a society when a small child feels the need to write ‘Plez luve me’??

Foster parent here, I salute you and appreciate your gift to them and theirs to you. We had a little guy straight out of the maternity ward. 2 1/2 years later Mom gets her shit together and gets him back. We have been heartbroken ever since and so was he. He only knew us as his caregivers and it was like being taken from his parents and given to a stranger. He didn’t understand and we are just seeing pictures now online where he looks happy, for the past 5 years every picture he looks sad and lost in. I tried to be objective, I thought it was just me but a friend saw the pics and said the same thing. So emotional we still don’t know all these years later if fostering was the right thing for us.

Thank you for loving them ❤️

You gave them a chance to release that weight and fill their hearts with love. 💖

On behalf of the human race – thank you for making this harsh world a better place for these two precious children. Every ounce of love extended, contributes to the overall healing this world needs.


NFCN Meme lord and a fantastic father, you sir are a legend. Keep up the great work, you bring smiles to many!

it’s 7:31 am and i’m already sweating out of my eyes. signed, a foster kid that aged out of the system

I never cry, but this time it has happened. It’s something that strikes the heart of everyone. Thank you.


God bless your hearts 😭

This is beautiful!!!

Were they with you for those two years? How long after the universe brought you all together did you adopt them,

This is so beautiful, I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying 😭❤️

Should it exist, these are the kind of people who will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven – those who demonstrate unselfish acts of love towards others.

Ugh my heart. You were meant to be family!

Omg this is real!. Wow I’m crying, thank you for making those kids feel safe.

Reading all these comments has me in awe of the resilience and love foster families bring into the world. Foster parents are true heroes, providing love and stability even when it’s temporary. The impact you’ve had on these kids’ lives is immeasurable. Thank you for your kindness and dedication!

This is what real love looks like, y’all. Foster parents like this restore my faith in humanity 🥹❤️

We just got our 8th baby girl 2 months ago. 3 bio. 3 adopted, 2 still in foster care.

No im not crying, you are

Got me choking up at 9am man

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

That’s beautiful

That’s beautiful

This is so pure it’s actually breaking my heart in the best way. Family is about love, not blood.

Life might not always bring the family we’re born w/, but it has a beautiful way of gifting us the family we need

That note from the girl has me a slobbering mess. Damn. Good on you guys.

Foster parent here. We had about 20 kids over the years for varying lengths of a few weeks to a year or more. We adopted 5 of them and they are all grown and flourishing. Fostering is a gift to the child and the family.

It’s my man Mr Kwik Trip! Congrats on the beautiful family brother, you’re alright in my book. And always 🐻⬇️

I was informally fostered as a child, and this post just inspired me to look into becoming a foster parent. I just signed up for the orientation in my county. Thank you.

Foster kids are so strong, and they deserve all the love and support in the world. I hope one day they get to feel the love and stability they truly deserve. 💕

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