Sona posted that they lost their home.

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Much love, glad her and her family are safe

Ugh oh no I was hoping this wasn’t the case. I know she worked so hard for that house and to find it

My heart breaks for her and her family. I’m so glad they are physically safe, but man this sucks.

At least we have an update. Absolute bummer. 

This is so surreal. I remember 4-5 years ago in various episodes her talking about the difficulty of searching for a house, finally closing on it, and how difficult/expensive it was to get insurance. That led to seeing her record podcasts from it during covid which led to last year’s Summer S’mores when they recorded from her backyard. Now that house is gone and she’s homeless.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a big break from the podcast at least from her. I can’t imagine she would want to record with this going on.

This screenshot doesn’t show it, but her caption for this post says “I’m so proud to live in this city.” This is so heartbreaking, and my heart’s with her and all of Altadena.

# In the spirit of Sona’s request, here’s a list of ways to help Altadena families and businesses through donations and other efforts:

* **GoFundMes for families displaced:**
* [](
* **In-person volunteer opportunities:**
* [](
* **A general donation to Mutual Aid LA Network (MULAN)/on-the-ground efforts:**
* [](
* Because MULAN is local and community-run, the vast majority of their funds get to go directly to small, on-the-ground efforts. Similarly, because they’re community-run, they know exactly who needs what, how, and when. You can learn and ask questions about MULAN on their [IG page](
* **^ The MULAN Spreadsheet (use as both a resource and guide to donations):**
* [](

These are being created, updated, and distributed by members of the community. These have been verified by r/pasadena, but please feel free to double check anything you aren’t sure about.

The LA community has been coming together, despite what others/agitators may want you to think. Places are overwhelmed with donations and volunteers, but there’s **still a long way to go**. It’s been incredible to see, and hopefully we can do our best to support their community. And really, like Sona said, the best way to help is to focus our efforts to those in need.

I figured she probably had but this is still incredibly sad to read. My heart breaks for Sona and her family.

“Please direct efforts to helping those less fortunate”. I’m tearing up 😭

I’m so glad they’re okay because that really is all that matters.

I can’t imagine how many sentimental items they lost though. Sona seems very sentimental about all the big and little things.

At least her children are still very young so they can make new childhood memories elsewhere. Those you can’t ever get back.

Oh, Sona 💔 I’m so glad they are all safe but so devastated for their loss. I feel for everyone in their community.

Oh my goodness, so sad. Forgive my ignorance, but she says they grew from a family of 3 to 5, but I thought it was just her, her husband, and the twins? Who am I missing?

Crap. I feel awful for her, but am really glad she her whole family is safe. Will be pulling for them in the long run!

Hate this so much.

Only hope is that they were able to get heirlooms and such out before they had to evac.

sad 😔

That’s really damn sad. I hope they are all okay.

I bet Conan will do everything to help her out. Absolutely heartbreaking what everyone out there is going through.

And then you have other nameless celebrities sharing go fund me pages when they can just easily fill the gap with one sponsored instagram post. I will personally be donating to world central kitchen because they were literally boots on the ground as soon as it happened just like they have been for so many disasters globally.

Crazy I’ve never met this person but I’m straight up emotional over this. Goes to show how much Conan, Sona and Matt make life a little bit better.

Damn. Just…damn.

Don’t talk about how the rich Hollywood elite deserve this. She’s not a celebrity. She was his assistant and was funny enough to land a job as his side kick. She never intended to be famous. She’s just a regular person with a family. Now her home is gone. Shit sucks yo.

How bad is Altadena? It really sounds like it hasn’t been left standing.

All the stories coming out of this disaster are so heartbreaking. I’m happy that Sona and her family are safe. At least we know that they have a very supportive extended family and community in this time of need. All of Little Armenia will undoubtedly be there for them!

Oh no. I’m so sorry Sona. Heartbreaking.

I have so much respect for her last sentence. What a proper human, she is 👏

Thanks so much for posting this ❤️

So much respect for her looking out for others even in the face of such tragedy

What a mentally taxing, awful month for the Coco crew. Feel for them. Love that, despite everything, she implored helping the less fortunate—says a lot about her.

Fuck. I can’t even imagine what they’re going thru.


I was out of the loop of Altadena’s situation (I’m not from US). That’s terrible 🙁

Damn…at least they’re all together and safe! 🙏

Damnit. So sorry, Sona and family. Glad you guys are safe though. Much love. We love you guys.

Oh Sona! That is so sad, I am glad she and her family are okay but that’s devastating! I remember back when she would talk about looking for a house with Conan and then she found one and sounded excited. Of course Sona will say to direct efforts to those who are less fortunate. Man, I really hope things will get better for her and her neighbours this year!

How horrible. I hope they were able to rescue as many family mementos as possible.

I just saw Harvey Guillen lost his home as well. I’m happy that everyone is safe. It’s nice to see people on here with empathy. I see posts and people saying that they are celebrities, so who cares. But they are also people. The memories in that home can’t be replaced.

That’s such a Sona message.

What a queen. Such class. So sorry about her home. I would watch a thousand episodes of Gourley building her an incredibly detailed, mid-century modern home all out of wood somewhere very fire safe and Conan as his laborer.

There goes my airbnb

love Sona. class act

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