Sorry bout your heart.

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I think their take on Christianity is interesting, but the Korean lady I met in real life that believes Jesus is a bringer of revenge is my favorite by far.

As far as I can tell โ€œAmerican Christianityโ€ is so far from the teaching of Christ they really need to find another name for it. Iโ€™m not religious at all but the teachings of Christ are pretty simple. Love thy neighbour, help those who need help, donโ€™t lie, donโ€™t sleep with people you shouldnโ€™t & donโ€™t kill people. The conceptโ€™s pretty simple and everything American โ€œChristiansโ€ abhor.

“Sending thoughts and prayers to your sad little heart”

If only they read their precious little book and do as it says and abandon the church..

But don’t you understand? They’re all going to hell for not accepting jeebus as their personal savior and bestest imaginary friend.

Am I the only one thats bothered by their use of percentages? 5.7% per 100k doesnt mean anything.. its literally saying 5.7 per 100 per 100,000

I assume they just mean 5.7 per 100k?

Japanโ€™s homelessness rate is systematically hidden, they created a culture where homeless people hide themselves from public spaces & donโ€™t admit they are homeless, while pod hotels & 24/7 Internet cafes are booming by keeping them overnight.

Their housing is still much more affordable than Americaโ€™s but itโ€™s not that absurdly low that only 3000 people are homeless

The amount of centrism among these folk is mind-boggling g

I assume thereโ€™s a missing . between the 0 and the 7

Unhoused population should be given relative to total population; the number in the post for the US number is from 2023, 2024 it was 770,000
Relative to the total thatโ€™s 0.022 per thousand in Japan and 2.3 per thousand for the US

In food security (2022) Japan is 6th and US is 13th so not much below

If by Christian you mean tRump then you’re one of them. I think it’s wonderful how all people can believe what they want and so does Japan it looks like.

Americans telling themselves they’re Christians, yet regularly refusing to help thy neighbour.

This is why they want to cripple education. In destroys everything they stand upon

She just wants anime in Christian heaven

Great, now let’s see Japan suicide rates

I mean, they’re also on the verge of a societal collapse, being extinct from not reproducing enough to replace old people and like many Asian countries riddled to hell and back with mental issues resulting in radical societal behavior in sexual and work related areas so there’s also that.

Percentage “per 100k” doesn’t make sense.

โ€œNo no no. We donโ€™t do that here.โ€


Murican Christians.. Same ones who support israhell zionazis

What psychopath uses percentages per 100k?

The best thing the Japanese did was not let the Abrahamic religions get a hold in Japan. It would be a completely different country if they did.

Too bad now Christians are brainwashing the japanese and koreans. There are culty mega churches with a lot of scandals in japan now. Ex : former prime ministers assassination

During a conversation with my Trump supporting Uncle about public assistance and welfare, I made the comment, “what would Jesus do?” He said back to me, “Jesus would tell them to a get a job!” – So yeah, you’re not going to logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into. They ‘re too far gone to reach with words. They need to feel the pain of going without for awhile. It may not change their politics, but at least some for of justice will be served.

Presenting hard numbers vs. a percentage, or on a per capita basis or in context (sometimes a “before” and “after”) is useless and disingenuous.ย 

Kind of takes the impact away when you mess up your stats so badly

What is these people’s obsession that everyone needs to believe what they do?

Just let people go to hell in peace. For fuck sake.

Also that’s not how percentages work

Thatโ€™s it, Iโ€™m moving to Japan

So take a misanthropic asshole, make them a smug hypocrite, and cloak them in righteousness. That’s a conservative Christian.

Trump’s pastor is widely reviled by other Christians as a heretic. She is a proponent of the prosperity gospel which is basically the Catholic Church in the early 1500s with the reliance of the get out of jail free cards known as indulgences – the was before Luther nailed his fuck you to the door. The current flavor is to send her thousands of dollars to assure ascendence into heaven.

[Plus, she does that speaking in tongues BS](

sounds like Japan has way better morals… not to mention they’re super freaking racist. And they’d work you to death pretty much have no choice but to work and die for the company. And let’s not forget their population has more old people than young people. But hey, screw the Christians.

So yeah murdered by words… I guess.

I’m an atheist

This is the real face of Christianity. Ask Japan what they think of Christianity since the 17th century.

Canโ€™t wait for the cult to be erased and forgotten.

That’s exemplary


I suspect the Japan murder rate is higher, based on how often they โ€œsolveโ€ crimes.

If Japan used realistic metrics for homelessness, it would be so much higher. They donโ€™t count the homeless people who sleep in hotels/Internet cafes, which is extremely common.

One thing I learned about Christianโ€™s is that they are as far from being one that you can possibly b. Imagine thinking to yourself you can be a totally horrible person and then go to church on Sunday and you are washed of all your horribleness. Yes, Iโ€™ve witnessed it time and again.

i wonder what its like to be that far gone

American Christians don’t believe in helping the poor and homeless and immigrants though. (Well, some might give a little to their church hoping it gets to the needy, but they definitely don’t want the government helping the needy)

5.7% per 100K? huhh?

This would be a lot more powerful if they got their figures right.ย 

Homicide rate of 5.7% of 100,000? 5700 murders for every 100,000 people? Uh, no.

It’s 5.7 murders per every 100,000 people. Too high but nowhere near 5700

Oh no you’re upset because Japan doesn’t believe in your delusion and imaginary friends

Japan actually has a very long and interesting history with Christianity. There was a period of persecution, then the Christians went underground after Japan sealed itself from the world, surviving in secret until Japan was forced to open up again. There’s some fascinating literature about it.

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