sorry for my diagram but if you’re walking quickly through a space like this, what is the ‘proper’ way to let everyone at once know you’re going behind them? my coworkers and i scream WEE-WOO WEE-WOO but i don’t think that’s normal

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I do a “scuse me pardon me coming through right behind you scuse me pardon me” while im passing. When i stop my bullshit they know im not there anymore

We used to shout “crossing” if you had to cross the whole line. But if siren noises are working for your kitchen, do what works for your kitchen. Changing things for no reason is why we have GMs.

Behindbehindbehindbehindbehindbehindbehindbehindbehind until I reach my destination.

Coming down the line is usually what I’ve said. Or continually calling behind. And also weird variations like your WEE-WOO lol

I work in a bakery now and when we have to move cakes around the kitchen I call out CAKE COMIN’ THRU! but in a really bad new york accent idk why I started but it get a sea of people working to part real quick

“Behind nerds” is what I say in my line

I’m from the Midwest, so it’s usually a quick “ope” followed by whispering “lemme just scoot right behind you, scuse me, thank you”. We get burned and stabbed often, but tradition is tradition.

“On the line! Behind, behind, behind!”

I just yell “beep beep beep” 😂

No you’re right. Siren noises is normal

Down the line or behind

I have one guy that goes beep beep

I say “coming through I do not have a licence and will have no remorse”

I would say behind, at a faster frequency depending on how hot the food is or how crowded it was, but honestly if WEE WOO works for you, do it

I used to work in a restaurant as a expo, part of my job was to bake rolls, and take those hot pans to dish. I’d lift them above my head and yell “hot pans! I’ll burn a bitch” and it worked every time.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright behind.

“Wee woo wee woo” is so much better than us saying “behind”

I just do insane man screeches

Every kitchen will be a little different, for the diagram, I would generally opt to say coming down the line followed by hot or sharp if the scenario required that extra bit of info. At some places when you get a good flow between your coworkers wee woo could work, I have used beep boop at one place and it was generally fine unless you had a new hire, after a week or two they get it.


Behind Hot! Or Behind Sharp! Yelled really loudly works generally.

chaud derrière

“Behind!” is what we used when I was a cook. And when needed “hot behind!”, which of course was the butt of many jokes.


“beep beep motherfuckers” is my go-to

Move bitch get out the way get out the way bitch get out the way


I always go beep beep like road runner, where I can I touch people on the shoulder.

Am I the only one seeing this illustration as an abstract drawing of eyes?

DON’T BURN ME!!! Was acceptable in one kitchen I worked in

A chef I worked with would just scream. Not any words or anything but just “Baaaahhh!!!”

Of course. It was just he and I and we both got tired of yelling CORNER every time we came from prep to the line.

In all seriousness though we just say (loud enough but not screaming): Behind. Sometimes I’ll go BEEP BEEP I’M A JEEP!.

Definitely accidentally said coming on your back because I’ll say either coming behind or on your back. Tired brain just jammed them together and I got weird looks for a few minutes.

“Watch your backs cuties!”

If you were my old coworker Hugo, you would punctuate with “ALL UP ON” and a quick dance break before getting back to business. Miss you buddy

“Hot stuff coming through!”

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