sorry kids

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So I disregarded medical consensus, which was the style at the time.

Ow! My bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of… Raw Malk?

Keep going! You’ll prick yourself with the antidote sooner or later

Grandpa is any of that story true?

Well parts of it. I was vaccinated for a brief while in the 2020s – oh they had cures to preventable diseases in those days

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Oh, boy! Sleep! That’s where I don’t have to worry about pandemics from the incoming Trump administration!

“Cholera! I’ve got cholera!!! *hacking cough*”

– America, 2025

Our pandemic began in dickety-dickety. We had to say dickety cause the Kaiser had stolen our word “twenty”

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ā€¦ Which was the style of the time

They think I’m immune because I’m from Canada, eh.

It was a magical time to not die from an easily curable disease. Right before we mentally regressed as a society. Good times.

This is all a conspiracy by the music industry to give us more songs about Iron Lungs and have them still be relevant after that one guy in Kansas died.

Mom! Dad! Bart’s dead
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We slept with onions in our socks, which was the style at the time.

So I got the polio vaccine, as was the style at the time.

Fantasy land. Health insurance would never approve the cost.


Some things never get old.
A good cup of coffee.
A beautiful sunrise.
And the children of anti-vaxxers.


Mayor Quimby’s nephew hates vaccines as much as he hates how the french pronounce ‘chowder.’

We started refusing the vaccine. Because it was haunted.

Itā€™s so bad but this is hilarious

The Iron Man brand iron lungs were a nice touch.

Jesus !

Grandkids? In this economy? Best I can do is a really cute house cat.

My dad took so I didn’t have to… so my daughter might have to

Invest in child sized coffins now.

Wrapped in iron, deathless purgatory
Negative pressure, airless breath

Donā€™t worry telling them about it, they will to learn about it 1st hand soon.


I have no kids, no debts, and no assets.

I am well suited to enjoy the collapse of humanity while I cackle with glee.

It’s funny because iron lungs aren’t even being made any more. The few people left who use them spend years hunting down spare parts and basically fixing them themselves.


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We stopped administering the polio vaccine decades ago. RFK Jr is a soft-headed tit, but I don’t see how this makes a difference in the US.

Forget them kids

Grandkids? I ain’t having kids period lmao fuck that noise.

Iā€™m waiting till explainthejoke will take this meme

I hope your kids get polio thought for real.

Instead of spending the past year lying and fantasizing about completely ridiculous made up things the Trump administration will do that will never happen in real life, you all could have instead been holding you own side and Biden accountable to not do things like support genocide or separate immigrant families at the border. But I can see how spreading lies that Trump will ban the polio vaccine even though no one affiliated with him has ever expressed an interest in doing that is a worthwhile use of your time. Like seriously, unless you actually believe this shit is true (which it fucking isn’t) what is the point of spreading these lies?


This guy passed away but yeah it’s no joke and what MAGA is doing is incredibly dangerous. Do you really think America today would give out iron lungs like they did before? Fuck no. Your insurance would pay for it until they didnt want to anymore and you’d be LUCKY to have insurance ever again and if you did, you’d have to win the lottery to afford it because they plan on reversing all the progress made AGAINST insurance companies which is very little to start with.

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