Sound familiar?

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You know what’s even more depressing, Hitler actually served jail time for his attempted coupe and wasn’t a draft dodger.

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An excerpt from a speech delivered by Hitler in February 1940.

“Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”

–Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was it bout history repeating itself?

And Hitler also tried to overthrow the legitimate German government. Even more similarities.

He also was a druggie.

Pressing question: is Musk SA or SS?

All this is eerily familiar. We have no way of stopping whatever is coming either. Trump is a Hitler enthusiast and imo following his playbook. Instead of Jews, itโ€™s ppl of color. And quite honestly anyone who gets in the way. We have placed ppl in powerful positions who are too coward to stand up for us. If we ever get a chance to vote again we really need to pay attention to who we give that power to.

he also talked about annexing austria because they need to be with Germany. Sound familiar?

If it Looks like a Hitler, Talks like a Hitler, and Acts like a Hitler………………

Is there anything they didnโ€™t copy. FFS

Funnily enough he was actually convicted of insurrection and served jail time

Many of us have been saying for ten years that the entire Dump rhetoric is similar to Hitler’s. But I guess we were toi “dramatic”.

Major press even wrote articles about the same. You know, back when they had an ounce of integrity and critical engagement before sanewashing that despicable piece of shit over and over and over again.

The ONLY upside is that Orangey will be 6 feet under under much sooner than Hitler and his ridiculous MAGA persona cult most certainly has not translated to anyone else, not even De Santis or Cruz – much less any of the other brown-nosing corrupt suck-ups the likes of RFK, whatever-the-fuck-Musk-is-doing, Vance etc. who all seem to be despised quite universally anyway.

I donโ€™t give a shit, we have a moron surrounding himself with billionaires with only one goal, to enrich themselves by taking from the poor and almost poor.

One difference is Hitler went to prison.

I actually work with people who think Hitler was right and what we have been taught about him was wrong. The world is falling apart.

And the dude is already starting to talk about doing the whole blitzkreig shit.

Wouldn’t say that’s “fun”

Stop it Bruce Bartlett, you’re just making Republicans love him even more with this kind of talk.

So what’s the American holocaust going to be ? Anyone have guesses ?

Dudes, it’s AdolF.

History doesnโ€™t exactly repeat itself, but it rhymes.

I can see Donnie checking off shit that Hitler did, like achievements in a video game.

It is very concerning.

It’s a sign that Trump’s personality cult is so strong that he can do no wrong in the eyes of his followers. Very dangerous.

Fun fact: Adolph Hitler also created a Pathocracy.


And he was convinctwd for an attempted coup

difference is Hitler saw prison time.

Another similarity, though: both thought/think that their convictions were/are unfair treatment

Another fact: Hitler saw enough prison time to be able to write an entire book.

Well yeah but this isn’t a fair comparison.

As far as we know, Hitler wasn’t a rapist when he took office.

Yeah, i don’t think this is going to go well.

Comparing Trump to Hitler is such a low level and vacuous comparison itโ€™s deeply offensive. For one, Hitler was actually punished for his attempted coup.

Is there a running tally somewhere of direct parallels? Should I make one myself or will that just be succumbing to confirmation bias

It is the prophecy.

He was also allied with Russia and started threatening to invade a bunch of countries

Why would you leave out the part where he was convicted because he STARTED AN INSURRECTION AND ATTEMPTED A COUP WHEN HE LOST POWER lol

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Ooh both Hitler and Trump breathed oxygen! It’s not like

#being felons is a red flag that they shouldn’t be leaders.

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