Sounds good to me

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You know we’re never going to be able to retire, silly!

Can I request golden eye and the early Simpsons?


I want to go to there

Finally, all those hours grinding will pay off. You all are about to catch these Falco hands.

Sounds like my fraternity house on a random Wednesday afternoon in 2007.

Sign me the fuck up.

Nah, I’ll be too busy slanging dick. Old dudes clean up at retirement homes.

I sometimes wonder if any of us will get to enjoy a retirement or if we’ll be working till we fall over

Smash? Yes.

The Office? No thank you.

Weed in rotation


Ok but im changing the office to Brooklyn 99 every chance I get

Get some OG xboxes play some splitscreen multiplayer on some old CRTs

That’s cute you think that sort of infrastructure and financial systems will still exist by then.

This assumes we’re able to retire……..

Sadly I don’t think many millennials could afford retirement homes.

I’m here for it

Sounds baller

Hmm not Seinfeld? 🤔

Sign me up


Sounds amazing honestly

Can we go now? Are they child free?

I’m here for the gang bang….

Bro none of us are going to retire bahahaha

*Mario Kart and Simpsons

As long as we also got some Nu Metal playing in the background.

Watching The Office right now. Lol

I don’t see the issue

I’ll see myself out out of this world before I ever go to a retirement home.

That is if I or the majority of our generation will be able to afford the luxury of retirement.

I’m here for it

Oh fuck yes! Add south park and the Simpsons, and we’re money.

If by “retirement home” you mean my own home because I’ll never get to retire, then yes. It will definitely have that, among other things.

Can we all just go to these homes now? I don’t wanna wait 40 years!

More like ready player one or the black mirror episode San Junipero

I’ll pay extra for the one where everyone just yells Chappelle Show quotes at each other

sounds like heaven

I look forward to this! BUT I don’t think i’ll be able to survive or afford Retirement. fuck.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to retire and will work till I die or get tired of this bs. Which ever comes first.

Threaten me with a good time.

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