South Korean president just got arrested following his “declaring martial law” attempt.

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Good to know democracy isnโ€™t failing everywhere!

Wait – you can be held accountable for attempting a coup?

can someone ELI5 me on him prior to the martial law? why did he want to establish martial law?

before all of this, all i know about him was from the video of him singing american pie haha

I’m glad to see a functional government still exists.

America would never

Things went south really quickly.

2025 is going to be wild.

Didnt know doing a coup had such swift and immediate consequences .

๐˜š๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ people could learn some things from this

Would you look at that. Some accountability. What a concept.

Perfect plot for a new netflix dorama

Player 001 vibes

is this jealousy? i think this might be jealousy.

Lord I see what you do for others

Well done, OP.

Indira Gandhi: Lmao noob!

Im very depressed that I had to go to another nation to see an image like this. Its nice to see *some* nations holding their leadership accountable for illegal and authoritarian actions.

Gutless DOJ officials in the USA need to take notes.

Thank you SK for showing accountability unlike the U.S.

Every time I click comments on a reddit thread, Iโ€™m aware that I am about to receive confirming feedback that 97% of users are non-critical thinkers who do not interact with other humans and simply parrot talking points from cnn heads. Never fails!

Lol its funny seeing my fellow americans getting pissy over peoples comments about how out governments run, despite knowing full well that how its run is broken

Justice looks like this. But how’d Americans know. They want a insurrectionist felon to change their lives. so be it.

Isnt it pretty cool when there are consequences for actions? And that impeachment actually does something.

It’s so nice to see Democracy working somewhere.

*”No, wait! Not like that!”* ยฏ\_( อกโ› อœส– อกโ›)_/ยฏ

What prompted the coup? Greed for power or something else I canโ€™t seem to find the answer to?

Well, you know what they say, sometimes the path to change starts with a wild twist of martial law!

But surely their Supreme Court will step in and rule it an official act?

Oh no…anyways

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