Spiders are best friends

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I usually let spiders be because yeah, they’re chill, but one time one crawled up my arm and towards my head while I was whackin the weasel and that mf had to die for his sins. Can’t be playin like that when a man is in his most vulnerable state

We need a spider pixar movie where a human is protected by a spider but they are unaware of it. I know for me this is conjuring up memories of bee movie but its not. The spider has to protect and save the human

I have max respect for my spider bros. The one on the bathroom is called Cornelius the shitbox protector

Whenever I see a spider in our home, I do my best to release them outside.

Always tell my daughter that spiders are in the house to catch creepy insects that we donโ€™t like and ever since sheโ€™s not been scared of them at all โ€œoh hello Mr skinny legs.โ€ Is her usual greeting now ๐Ÿ˜…

They kill blood suckers like mosquitos, bugs that eat plants ect., so they are good in my books! Leave the spiders be. They are our buddies

I have one rule with every spider in my household.
Not above my bed.
For the rest they can do as they please.

Wolfy is about 7 cm by now ๐Ÿ™‚

True friendship is when your spider has your back at 3 AM

When Spiders trap an insect; they wrap it up still living in web. They then slowly drain its fluids, keeping it alive in a torturous existence for as long as they wish. A slow agonising death.

They are not pleasant creatures. If not for their size we would consider them monsters. There is a reason fear of them is built into our mammalian DNA.

Recently made a friend of a spider in my bathroom thinking of naming him something he kills any flyers.
It’s a daddy long le

Edit : named it bill

All through high school I slept with the biggest spiderweb you can imagine right over my head: it was like a cathedral made from silk threads. I used to kill flies and throw them in the web but I noticed the spider wouldn’t notice them because they didn’t wriggle, so I had to learn to hit them just hard enough to stun them and then throw them in. I was so proud when she hatched her first spiderlings and it was so relaxing to drift off to sleep watching them scoot around the web like little snowflakes. Yes, I’m Australian: how’d you guess?

or maybe they’re not really that scary, but really very cute and caring

Sadly, the things that fly inside are too big for the spider in my bedroom and those things are more interesting in hitting their faces against my lightbulb.

The fly was just a struggling father tryin his hardest to support his 2adopted kids. He rescued them and gave them the best life possible. Life was beating him down but the joy he gave his two kids kept him going. The super star of a father fell asleep while flying because he wasn’t sleeping properly due to having 3 full time jobs and unfortunately fell into the web of the sadistic spider

Kids have been into total shock and disbelief; their dad hasn’t returned in 3days…
Has yet another family abandoned them, they ask. Joy and hope drained from their little souls

I always feed the spiders in my house and in return, they give me a fantastic connection to the web.

I had a “friendship” with a spider I called Trunk Spider for a while.

My Car (a small/compact SUV) has one of those spare tire holders on the back attached to the rear door/hatch/trunk. One day I noticed a yellow and black garden spider had built a web between the tire holder and the back door. It didn’t get in the way of opening the door, so I just left it there. I assumed it would just break down its web and leave, but I guess it liked the spot because it stayed. I always expected it might fall off on the interstate, but I guess being tucked between the tire holder and door acted as a windbreak? It would often rebuild/restructure it’s web, but it became a fixture there and I would check on it often when I got out of my car.

Over the next several months Trunk Spider went wherever I went, mostly to work, but we did travel to another state once. Trunk spider put on some weight and got pretty chonky. I like to think that maybe driving around let it catch a smorgasbord of insects to eat, leading to a very delicious diet. Hopefully, it was the best of Spider times. After about eight months or so, when I checked on Trunk Spider, I found it in it’s web all husked up. It had died over the weekend. I think it may have frozen, as I remember it was right around the time temperatures started to dip pretty low. I was actually pretty bummed about it. I am not an expert on spiders and have no way of knowing how old Trunk Spider was when it found my car, but I hope it had a fulfilling life for a spider.

I need some of these in my room

My mom always let one spider live in hey kitchen. They’re colleagues, she says.

Thanks lil spoods


That sounds like something a spider would say.

Youโ€™re never more than six feet away from a spider.

In Italy killing spiders brings bad luck and it’s an ancient saying “ragno porta guadagno” (spider brings good fortune).

I fucking love spiders especially the little peacock ones !!! I want to give them maracas ๐Ÿช‡ ๐Ÿฅบ

Honestly spiders are bros! I am not a big fan of them up close but as long as they keep to themselves they do a great job at pest control and I hardly ever see the lil fellas, so all is well.

omg so sweet

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