Spotted in Cincinnati

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The people in the neighborhood chased them out, took their disgusting flags and burned that shit! LETS GO CINCINATTI!!!! LMAO

So proud but so scared to show their faces


We need GI robot on the scene to take care of business

These are roman ninjas


Hey what happened to that well regulated militia to stop threats against United States.

Ah I see โ€ฆ.

Fuck Nazis!

Question from a non American, are you allowed to open carry in Cincinnati?

I bet these babies were crying about masks during the pandemic, now look at them… Cowards.



โ€œI hate Cincinnati Nazis!โ€

How did you resist not reenacting the scene from The Blues Brothers?

All trump supporters

They never show their face not very proud i would say

I know eggs are expensive now, but they would be worth every pennyโ€ฆ

Incel losers

Also, I canโ€™t imagine standing for something so grotesqueโ€ฆ and they know it because they are ashamed to show their face. Fucking cowards.

The irony that they didn’t want to wear masks during covid.

They show up deep in states where there ainโ€™t no people of color to talk shit back to em. In Cali they gotta wait till 3AM when everyoneโ€™s asleep, hang signs and run away. Weenies. Straight up weenies. Scared to take the ass kicking they earned.

Republicans on a bridge. Why arenโ€™t they at work?

It should be 100 percent legal to hop the curb and run over nazis

So, that is where the Doge employees hang out on their days off.

Ahh, white pride….so full of pride that they hide their faces. Scumbags.

Might as well wear brown shirts.

Iโ€™m glad they got run off and got their flags burnt. Iโ€™d say Iโ€™d use one of their flags as toilet paper but I donโ€™t want that Nazi shit to touch me.

Fucking cowards will wave their flags but wont show there faces.

Funny how they all of a sudden want to wear masks. When it was a public health emergency? HELL NO!

Heard they to quite a beating today! And lost a bit of their โ€œmemorabiliaโ€ and a small fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ

I really dont know how I would deal with this if I saw it in real life.
I would be so wound up and feel the urge to do something – probably something I would regret

Cowards covering their faces.

Why the pussies wearing masks?

Super soaker > piss > drive-by shooting > hilarity

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