Stay safe everyone.

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The best anti drinking and driving ad I ever did see

Stay home with your cats

Aww I’m so drunk rn I shouldn’t even be on my phone but this is so cute 🥺

Someone put this on a billboard stat!

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Making it home to take care of my little man (RIP) was a good motivation to not act dumber than I already did in my younger days when I had an unhealthy relationship with drugs.

Stay safe, you and your furry friends!

I love 💕 this! I’m safely home and this is where I’m going to stay

🥺 right in the feels.

See, this is why new years is best spent with an edible and cuddling the kitties 😸

My cat tells me this all the time and I keep telling him I’m sober. Still a good reminder though 

You don’t want to become the reason your cat looks at empty walls for no reason.

It’s also dangerous on nights with fireworks, more animals get lost on NYE and 4th of July in the U.S. than other days, fireworks scare them, people have parties doors are left open or opened frequently, smart pet owners keep their animal safe in an extra room if the party is at their house, but drunk guests can open doors and a scared 4 legged family member can easily bolt out of the house. It happened to a family friend when I was a kid, fortunately it was in a rural setting and they found their cats the next day, but in a city a frightened pet in the road being startled by the booms and a drunk driver is a recipe for heartache.

My dear Ava saw me when I was a drinker. I’m sober 5 years now and have four cats including her.

Tonight I indulged in a giant sushi dinner. I’ll be home and with my sweeties before the fireworks start.

I really really love life without booze

Man. I don’t even drink, why u make me feel that 🙁

Crashed my bike in may 2024, was drunk and left my cat at home with my mum. Spent 3 months in hospital and didn’t see my cat again until October. He was so fucking angry with me I swear he was screaming at me where the fuck have you been. Luckily my sister was able to take him in so he is safe and loved.

The cat may also be unable to escape before it’s too late.

Their final days will be spent wondering where their caretaker is.

Yes! Please don’t drink and drive.

I’ll just drink at home with my cats.

If you don’t feel like you are sober enough to drive, just call Toonces to give you a ride

And don’t stop others from coming home to their cats. 🥺

Cat’s lives matter!

Absolutely. Wish every one a happy 2025

I don’t drink anymore but even if I still did I’d have to stay in with the cat and comfort him because of the fireworks anyways 😭

This hit hard

I love the message and 100% agree, but I don’t think the cat in the picture understands much of anything.

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