Stewards’ document for Max Verstappen’s 1-place grid penalty for driving unnecessarily slowly

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You can get a penalty point for that?

So he gets his penalty for driving unnecessarily slowly, but they argue it like theyโ€™re arguing for an impeding case? I guess the 1 place grid drop instead of 3 says it all.

Pretty pointless this way, if it was dangerous then fully stand behind it and give the 3, if not then just leave it alone…

It’s weird.

he was under investigation for driving too slow, not for impeding. yet he gets a penalty for impeding, which gets mitigated because the impeded driver wasn’t on a push lap.

“Unusually, this incident occurred when neither car was on a push lap … however in mitigation of penalty. It was obvious Car63 had a clear visibility of Car1 and that neither car was on a push lap”

What the actual fuck is this? ๐Ÿ˜ญ


They really want to retire him early donโ€™t they?

>it was obvious that the driver of Car 63 had clear visibility of Car 1 and that neither car was on a push lap

this is completely stupid…

look… i’m tired and probably should just go to sleep… but doesn’t this open the chance for basically any driver to have whoever is driving in front of them receive a penalty if they purposely push during an out lap?

like… everybody gets noted by race control for the maximum delta time

Max was going โ€œtoo slowโ€ on a track of other drivers also on slow laps, Penalty point AND grid drop. Lando starts a formation lap in poor conditions with marshalls on track and itโ€™s a $5,000 fine. I donโ€™t get it

1 place? That was on a outlap, that shouldn’t be a penalty at all.

Absolute joke

Can’t help but feel this is personal. There are a million examples of drivers doing the exact same and nothing happened. They invented an entire new penalty…

This has to be the stupidest decision Iโ€™ve seen in a while

They really didn’t want him on pole huh ๐Ÿ˜ญ

> Had Car 63 been on a push lap, the penalty would have most likely been the usual 3 grid position penalty, however in mitigation of penalty, it was obvious that the driver of Car 63 had clear visibility of Car 1 and that neither car was on a push lap.

Then donโ€™t give a penalty, WTF?

A penalty point on top of that is absolutely ridiculous

And the title for “Driver with the most summons/decision documents for allegedly driving slowly” goes to Max Verstappen.

In fact no other driver was summoned to the stewards for this. But Max was three times this year.

This will just fuel Max even more

What a fucking joke

I mean at what point is it flat out corruption?

Because half the damn grid was under investigation for this in the sprint qualifying yesterday and yet absolutely nobody got punished

Now they’ve literally invented a new penalty for Max and given him a penalty point to boot

This is total nonsense…. the objectivity of the stewards is non-existing, normally they don’t punish situations like this, but now it’s Max and then suddenly it must be punished. Bizar.

No freaking way. Imagine how many drivers will go to exploit this shit. It was not even a push-lap for George…

Can we all just appreciate the irony of it being Article 33.4 his number and WDC titles.

Pasting a comment made 7y ago regarding the Mercedes-Connelly incident:

“Gary Connelly urged Mercedes to submit a protest after the Japan GP last year.
Toto Wolff personally stopped it because he did not believe it was ok and Lewis Hamilton also did not believe Max did something wrong.
Gary Connelly did something not 1 stewart ever did: walk to a team and advise them to protest.
Toto Wolff said he found it a bit inappropriate for a steward to do advise sucha thing. A steward is supposed to be impartial.

Why is Gary Connelly allowed to be a steward?”

This doesn’t smell, this doesn’t stink, this reeks of bullshit

Fuck the FIA

Penalty point too? Obvious fuckery.

This is getting ridiculous. Norris not understanding the rules and just driving on breaking safety rules or Sainz getting into the pit but not and crossing a line is fine, but everything Verstappen does gets a penalty.

I’m sorry but this is complete bullshit. Every other driver reprimand but because it’s max it’s randomly a 1 place grid drop and a penalty point, with absolutely zero precedent for either decision. You can’t have a serious sport if punishments aren’t the same, the steward situation seriously needs looking at because it’s a farce

Since when was a one place grid penalty a thing?

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