Still think this shit is funny

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Whatever the TVs and phones tell them to feel they feel. Ignore what you see with your eyes or hear with your ears. It was the party’s most important rule didn’t you know?

Did they get rid of the FDIC? When did that happen?

Life savings?! What the hell is that? I live paycheck to paycheck like a good American.

You like to eat meat but the USDA is goneโ€ฆ

If all banks have imploded then a lack of FDIC will be the last thing to worry about. The new currency will be batteries and ammo.

You have to remember, for Republicans the suffering is the point. They will love all of this misery until it happens to them. But when it does happen to them they will blame it on Democrats or DEI or wokeness.

Trumpism is a mental illness, not a political ideology.

Thatโ€™s Elonโ€™s plan to do away with as many agencies as possible that will eventually get in his way of f*cking people over and turn himself into an even fatter ๐Ÿ–.

Sorry for insulting pigsโ€ฆ

I hadn’t heard this but it wouldn’t shock me if this clown college thinks it would be a good idea. They probably want to move everything over to digital currency.

Life Savings Gone, FDIC Out: Banks Win, You Lose. Still Think This is a Joke?

Does anyone have a link to any information on him doing any of these things?

Always the same responseโ€ฆdisbeliefโ€ฆ until it happens then cricketsโ€ฆthe kool-aid runneth over

Most of the idiots that voted for this dude have their money buried in the backyard. And those that donโ€™t send it back home to their families.

MAGAmorons believe that this will happen only to people they hate.

It hasnโ€™t been removed, yet.

There are proposals to eliminate it and with the Oompa Loompa sending out Eoโ€™s like Oprah gives out cars, itโ€™s likely to happen but hasnโ€™t happened yet.

If they get rid of the FDIC I will be pulling all my money out of the banks I use. I would rather it set in my safe than in someone else’s pocket.

Personally, I think a lot of folks may have become just as silently comfortable in the govt office as well.

When are they going to DOGE on Trump already? Is he last? Asking for a friend

Donโ€™t forget CFPB being run by someone without a finance degree.

Theyd never do that! Theyโ€™re for the common people! /s

They kill FDIC. Everyone pulls money out of the bank they use. ย Bank doesnโ€™t have everyone’s money. No FDIC. You don’t have money anymore. Sue bank? They have no money to pay out. Bank goes bankrupt.ย 

It ain’t just your money; suddenly have you loans on your name that you never have applied for or your balance is negative without haven’t spend a penny.

Can someone put some prospect to the โ€œlife savings goneโ€. As it pertains to cutting waste in government.

Keeping your ENTIRE life savings in any bank is crazy. If you have money. Lots of it. Its wise to keep a good percent of that (a comfortable amount) liquid. In cash. Buried or what have you. People can’t really be keeping all their money in a virtual place right?

Someone get rid of him please

Time for a bank run when that happens……

Jokes on them I have no life savings

Yeah bring back Cadaver Joe and watch 25% of your money disappear over night.

Alexa, how can I cause a run on the banks?

Elmo is not on Sesame Street – Elmo is compromising your data and livelihood.

Imagine DJT sneaks into your house and amputates all your limbs, now what?!?!?

At this point Iโ€™m considering liquidating my retirement fund, taking the early withdrawal penalty and moving it abroad to where Iโ€™m at.

US financial security as well as political influence shrinks almost daily. I feel like Iโ€™m just waiting for the drop, and if I donโ€™t at minimum tell them to take me full liquid Iโ€™m gonna lose Half my life savings with this fodam. Clown show running the government.

You destroy the working class’s or even the middle class’s material well being, the entire country will burn. So much is tied up in banks.

Has anyone consulted Big Bird or Tellymonster about what Elmo has been doing to the banks? This is not what Mr. Cooper wanted on PBS

Ive been waking up like that for the last 15 years…

I’m far left but this is doing nothing to help. Has this happened yet? No? Then you’re just spouting nonsense to them. Has anything Trump/Musk done actually affected most of them yet? I so far have seen nothing change for me. So look at it that way and understand that they are not against anything that has happened yet because nothing has changed for them.

This would be scary. My money wouldn’t be insured and won’t get it back

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