Strange exception

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Ive always found cheating to be defined by the 2(or more for truckstops) parties involved

Homeboy acting like triple-pen is that easy to find. I wish, dawg.

Finally something that is odd and specific.

Cheating is of course breaking the rules of the relationship you have agreed upon. Some times it could be misunderstandings, like one party thinking porn is completely normal and acceptable and the other considering it cheating, but the first party not knowing that…. Communication is key.

For real I was in a poly relationship and I tried explaining to my aunt that having sex with other people wasn’t cheating if everyone is cool with it, and she simply would not get it

Like sex with other people is probably the default mode for cheating but people can change those settings

Cheating is what is discussed in the relationship. Not voicing your opinion on what is cheating is your fault. Lack of communication in a relationship is what kills relationships. Just because you don’t acknowledge the rules doesn’t mean it isn’t cheating either.

The problem I have with “porn is cheating” is that every time it’s brought up is because someone caught their partner watching porn… it’s not cheating if you DIDNT DISCUSS IT, your partner doesn’t magically know what you’re ok with

As a woman who has dated men who use porn and men who donโ€™t, there is a *world* of difference in how satisfying things are in the bedroom.

I *personally* find the “porn is cheating” thing to be pretty dumb, but if you get into a relationship knowing your partner feels that way, and you still watch porn, you’re kind of a scumbag for violating your parnters boundaries and trust.

Cheating has a meaning. You don’t get to claim everything you don’t want your partner to do is “cheating” in order to manipulate them into doing what YOU want.

“Oh, you didn’t fold the laundry the right way? That’s cheating cause I said so” is fkn obnoxious. Just call shit what it is.

“I dumped him because he was addicted to porn” not “he cheated on me” you’re trying to create a narrative that doesn’t exist in order to garner what? Sympathy?


A helpful similar definition is โ€œwould you try to hide or are you actively trying to hide this from your partner?โ€

By that logic yalking to your mom can be cheating if your partner doesn’t like it.
You decide what you are and are not comfortable with but words have commenly understood definitions and sometimes your personal definitions are just bad.


Still, eatin’ ain’t cheatin’.

I โ€ฆ I donโ€™t think I have enough holes to get triple-fucked. But we can give it the old college try hmm?

Part of the issues is that most people don’t actually have rules, and believe everything is “implied and obvious”, only finding the disconnect when an issue arises.

When I got back from Basic/AIT, I could tell my wifeโ€™s โ€˜techniqueโ€™ was better. I said, I know how it can be alone, and getting married right after high school youโ€™re still young. I told her I understood if things happened, just a simple yes or no. If โ€˜Yesโ€™, it is forgotten, or discussed, and we move on. If it is โ€˜Noโ€™ and I find out different, shit hits the fan. She said no, and oh well.

It wasnโ€™t the fucking. It was the lying. I knew you was a nympho. Didnโ€™t take that into consideration when I decided to help Uncle Sam.

if your significant other calls looking at images cheating, that is called toxic and controlling

Yup! Are there more and less reasonable definitions of cheating? Sure! Does that mean you should give people shit for their “unreasonable” definitions? No! It just means you probably shouldn’t be in a relationship with them.

Someone thinks porn is cheating and you don’t like that? Fine, don’t date them.


My personal definition of cheating in my own relationships is emotional not physical.

I would be far more upset if I had a girlfriend that was having an emotional affair with another man vs if she had 10 guys blow a load on her face for $1000.

edit: My only exception to this is if it is another woman and I get to be sexually involved in the affair then you get a pass. You can screw around with other women all day long as long as I get a piece of that action.

What if itโ€™s videos of your partner back in her or his day. Would that be normal cheating or strategic cheating by your partner?

They ain’t never lie!

I mean, they have a good argument. Thatโ€™s a weird way of putting it, but they are 100% correct.

Suspecting author of that meme was speaking from personal experience.


And usually the 2 parties don’t care to define the boundaries very precisely. For example, it might never be discussed if porn is cheating or not. Sometime even one partner consider that doing something is acceptable for himself/herself but will consider it cheating if the partner is doing it.

This is not that simple.

truck drivers totally agree

Honestly, I think the “porn is cheating” crowd are just idiots. I think most people would define similar restraints on a relationship as controlling actually.

If you don’t want porn in your relationship, or you don’t like porn, THATS FINE, but that doesn’t make it cheating.

It’s not “cheating” when my spouse doesn’t do laundry, even if them not doing it means I’ll leave them. It’s not cheating when I leave plates of food on the counter, even if that could end my relationship. I could list any number of things that

What’s interesting is that this crowd, like any other, has “obvious” limits and would think YOU were crazy for thinking something else is cheating. Is seeing women at the beach cheating? Is seeing a magazine of women in sexy clothes cheating? No, I don’t believe you get to redefine these things as cheating “for your relationship.” They’re something else. Most people would call this level CONTROLLING especially if it came from a man, but 99.9999999% of this nonsense comes from women, especially the anti porn crowd.

I’m sorry but it’s not cheating, even in your relationship. It’s something else, just like everything else is something else and we don’t just call anything we don’t like in a relationship “cheating.” You can dislike something, or be controlling in some way shape or form for your own relationship without trying to define these things as cheating. They’re not, and if men acted like this, it wouldn’t even be allowed.

Cheating is a specific range of things, not just things you don’t like.

During my entire marriage(3 years). I was constantly accused of cheating because I watched porn when she was gone. We never talked about it, never made rules about it, and she had her own DVDs and magazines. So I never saw any harm in it and it never once got in the way of our sex lives.

You know what did get in the way of our sex lives? Her telling me I’m not allowed to even talk to female coworkers, to the point of showing up at the factory I worked at just to spy on me at times, while simultaneously fucking 6 other guys throughout our marriage. Yeah that will really put a damper on things.

Porn is not and will never be cheating. Actual cheating is cheating,not ridiculous arbitrary rules.

That’s just wrong though.

A boundary is something for YOU. Someone else watching porn has nothing to do with YOU. Nothing. I don’t care if they’re your SO. It still has nothing to do with you.

That’s just controlling and shit behavior the same as an abuser. Especially the use of “boundary” as though you are victimized by it. Piss right off.

> In some relationships, getting triple penetrated by strangers in a truck stop bathroom is totally ok.

Unpopular opinion: Not healthy ones. If you’re bringing third parties into the relationship, it’s sexually on the level of a situationship aka casual dating.

Committed relationship *includes* the ability to satisfy your partner exclusively without pimping them out to strangers in a truck stop bathroom. If that’s not the case then one or both partners is not mentally ready or mature enough for a *relationship*. Maybe due to lack of self-control, or partner not willing to give what they need, or maybe past trauma that needs therapy.

Porn on the other hand isn’t ever cheating, and anyone who classes it as that is being emotional and hyperbolic. It could be seen as *betrayal* by some partners, but it lacks both the intimacy and physical element of actual cheating – it’s raw lust and desire which is something different, although could be unhealthy depending the type and on how it’s impacting your real relationship.

Lol, if I was dating and a girl told me watching porn was cheating. I’d tell her masturbatuon was cheating. We have to have some common sense, or it all gets wild. Lol. Shit is crazy.

And what if one partner never agreed to the no porn rule?

Thatโ€™s fucking stupid.

If your significant other is mad that you watch porn, then they need to fuck off

ignoring the Thing here watching porn is def not cheating ๐Ÿ˜ญ i get being uncomfortable w it but like cheating??:?/?3?3$1?

Why the hell would someone think watching porn is cheating? That just sounds insecure as fuck to me

While I think watching porn souldnt be an inacceptable action, I do like the definition.
What people consider bad by sleeping whit others, and a betrayal is a lack of regard for your partners feelings, and dessinterest for there boundarys.

I am kinky. I find it exiting to have a partner who has other relationships. Its not a betrayal, and they didnt cheated, because they had my consent anyway. But lying to me, and talking control from me, or hiding something important I sould know, thats much more like cheating for me.

I mean, if my wife *really* wanted to be triple stuffed, I would at least spring for a Motel 6.

But that’s just me.

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