Stratagem idea: Gas Tower

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Wow… An actual not shit idea… Hell yeah.

Looks like something straight out of Fallout 4โ€™s Far Harbor DLC. Love it!

Like a lil mini TCS tower

Better idea: make the natural gas extraction emote leave poison gas that lingers in an area

I like it, but I feel like unless the radius is really high then you have like 3 warriors killing it. I am highly in favor of gas mines though! And just things like this and more gas in general.

So it’s a Gas Tesla Tower, looking forward to the point where it kills me and I curse it repeatedly.

Its a good idea. But I would rather have gas mortars!

Wow, that is really a cool concept

(Jose.gonzalez2007 walks into the fog)


“What the hell bro why did you kill me”

If it makes noise to attract enemies, it’s a 10/10

More war crime options is always good

Speakers on it to draw enemies attention, or bugs in? I think it would be useless outside of dealing with bugs or any other chaf a future faction might introduce.

I love it, but I’m curious how you would differentiate/balance it with the orbital gas strike? Just a longer cooldown with longer up-time?

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I love the idea. I hope we get something like this.

This needs to be a high prio item for AH.


“Uhm, ministry of original idea repossession? We got something for you”

Thatโ€™s awesome op.

I’d gladly call in the gas tower looks legit

This is so war crime, and I want 10 of them

Shut up and take my requisition slips

They already have this technology in super big form, although it got lost in a “black hole”

Commenting and upvoting for traction, great idea!

Oh ya, I would be into this. We need to tag the devs.

“Jerry get I here, look at this the community is doing your job again!”

Anything to give me more tools to lock down a chokepoint this looks awesome!

The fog light is peak design

I love this idea, if it has the same properties as regular sentries (in terms of pulling the attention of enemies), then this has quite a lot of value. The large detection radius would attract enemies, get closer and confused, take damage over time, die, and repeat.

Main reason I love Tesla is because it doesn’t run out of ammo, so you’ll have moments where a bug swarm or bot drop was called due to the tesla, but you’re already miles away from the placement.

If this is just a more defensive version of the tesla, take my soul I need it.
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so you want a glade plugin sentry?

Yeah , a new war crime tower .


Who hurt you

Sweet liberty, yes please!! I honestly might use this more than the Tesla tower as it would be easier for me and my teammates to see the actual range of the danger. Oftentimes when I guesstimate the range of a Tesla tower Iโ€™m off by a bit and get zapped lol.

Also it has the added benefit of confusing enemies, so theyโ€™ll have a hard time destroying it! I need this ASAP

I would absolutely love this. Not only does it fit lore wise with those missions filling those tanks with pesticides, but it would be insanely effective! I constantly use the gas orbital strike and gas grenades as area denial

YES PLS! we need more gas strats! would be fun to go the route of consistent gas coverage via gas grenades + orbital + turret + a gas airstrike too! would be a very fun way to play against bugs / squids.

This is a great idea

As a gas enjoyer I dig it

The fog light is sick

This is actually so sick

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